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Counter-Strike 2
6 1
DuMa 2 Jan @ 2:46am 
¹²³ ³² ²³¹ ¹ ¹²³² ³²¹ ³² ¹²³²¹ ³²³ ³² ¹²³²¹ ¹²
DuMa 2 Jan @ 2:18am 
Boner physics Lesson :
If every male on earth got a boner at the same time, the earth's rotation would slow down. Assume there are about 3.8 billion males, with an average D ick height of about 80 cm off the ground. The average D ick weighs about 100 grams.

That's a combined mass of 380,000,000 kg of C ock

Now we must make an approximation. For simplicity's sake, let us assume the C ocks are all evenly lined up in a ring around the equator. The equation for moment of inertia of a ring is I = mass*radius^2. The radius of earth is about 6.371 million meters. Therefore the radius of the approximated D ick ring is 6,371,000 + 0.80 = 6,371,000.8 meters.

The Earth has a moment of inertia, I = 8.04×10^37 kg*m^2. The Earth rotates at a moderate angular velocity of 7.2921159 ×10^−5 radians/second.

So in conclusion If we all have a boner at the same time, we will collectively be able to last 0.6752 nanoseconds longer in bed. Stay hard Decepticons
Nid 13 Oct, 2023 @ 6:40am 
Du Ma 24 Jul, 2020 @ 8:09pm 
I'm always here on my sub
Harmless Sheep 24 Jul, 2020 @ 8:10am 
Sheeeeppp where are you I want my tofu
Harmless Sheep 5 Feb, 2019 @ 8:19pm