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3 z 22 (14%) osiągnięć zdobytych:
Osiągnięcia gracza

Peaceful Handler

Finish unloading the luggage without opening a single bag
Odblokowano: 20 października 2023 o 9:33


Walk in front of running engine
Odblokowano: 20 października 2023 o 7:51

Perfect Jetway Alignment

Align Jetway to the aircraft to achieve perfect score
Odblokowano: 20 października 2023 o 9:26

Pushback mastery

Pushback 25 aircraft
4 / 25

Flight Dispatcher

Create your own scenario
0 / 1

Just chew!

Deliver 20 sets of catering to the aircraft
0 / 20


Refuel 50 000 kg of fuel
13,000 / 50,000

Cone Mastery

Place cones within 60 seconds from beginning of the task


Let the aircraft depart with cone inside of the cargo hold

Marshall Mastery

Marshall the aircraft into the stand and achieve perfect score

Perfect Stairs Alignment

Connect stairs to the aircraft to achieve perfect score

Reckless Driver

Receive below 20 points for passenger comfort while driving shuttle bus


Pick up 150 objects from destroyed luggage
11 / 150

Marathon Runner

Sprint 42 195 meters
499 / 42,195

You Shall Not Pass!!

Block taxiing aircraft

Luggage Destroyer

Destroy 100 pieces of luggage
5 / 100

WOOSH! You are UNICORN now

Place the cone on the top of the cockpit of A320

You’re a wizard!

Place the cone on the top of the cockpit B737

Fine, we'll do it ourselves!

Don’t arrive on time to do marshalling

Time out!

You run out of time!

Fast mover

Achieve all ribbons in challenge scenario

Pozostało jedno ukryte osiągnięcie

Szczegóły dla każdego osiągnięcia zostaną podane po jego odblokowaniu