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17.7 timer totalt
Definitely I'm my top 3 games... and I'm a picky person.

The way the game's mechanics and themes changed every level, from an RPG to a 2D fighting game, makes it very exciting and refreshing every time something new is introduced throughout the game. Everything was spot-on: the voice-actors did a great job, the story was well written, the characters and very distinct yet amusing personalities (the british accent made Rose 10x cuter), the sound effects and soundtrack are very fitting in every scenario, the graphics and visual effects are beautiful (the explosions blew me away *pun intended*)... but without a doubt, the scenario designers need a raise. Absolutely gorgeous scenery from start to finish. To the point where me and my friend stopped just to appreciate the work that was put in making such marvelous works of art. The minigames were also a great feature, as I'm sure one third of my playtime was spent on those. They were all very different from one another, so it was always exciting to discover a new minigame.

I was lucky to play with someone who was enjoying every single second of it like I was and it was definitely one of the funniest experiences I've had (which contributed to my mental health, thank god). Thank you Hazelight.
Publisert 16. februar 2023.
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18.6 timer totalt
As a sucessor to the other two games in the series (Life is Strange and Life is Strange: Before the Storm) I had high expectations for this title. Which were met, for the most part.

I'll be honest: the beginning was boring. Sure, you get introduced to the cenario and how the story will develop through the rest of the game but none of the choices seem to make a big difference (Me: "I shouldn't steal food if I've got the money", Old man: "wHy DiD yOu StEaL?"). Also, there's a lot of walking and less interactions.

At this point, I thought that Life is Strange was a grown-ups game and this is just a sequel for teenagers. I feel bad for thinking about it but... I wanted someone to die or... something.


The ending of season 3 opened my eyes (see what I did there? (haha, another pun)). That's the moment you realise the terror of the situation the two brothers are in. How is Sean going to get to the border like that? And where's Daniel? Since everything keeps falling apart throughout the game, I was always desperate when playing, and I loved that.

In episode 4 and 5 is where things get tough. You will feel yourself inside Sean's skin and pay more attention to the choices you make, because they have their consequences.

One upgrade this game has comparing to the previous games is that there's multiple endings (5? 7? I can't remember) and they don't depend on one choice at the end of the game. The choice at the end does affect it, of course, but your progress with Daniel will be taken into consideration as well.

Overall, I loved it! It has a good narrative and the characters are likeable. Daniel was an outstanding brat at first but became more mature at the end. Sean also became more likeable. The voice acting is pretty good (I disliked Max's voice on LiS but Sean wasn't as cringey) and the interactions with the world got better as the game went by. I strongly recommend playing the other LiS games first (Captain Spirit was dissapointing, but if you play it, just speedrun that ****) because there's quite some references to past games.

Other than that, try to stay away from spoilers and have patience when playing! It'll be worth it :)
Publisert 3. august 2020.
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592.0 timer totalt (324.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Two years after it's release, For Honor still has updates coming in, new content and people playing the game (both veterans and new players). It can be extremely frustrating to deal with certain mechanics in the game, even if you know what's happening. Sometimes, there's not a perfect solution to every situation your dealt with, but as a fighting game, it's your job not to get stuck in those situations in the first place.

The game as broad roster of characters to choose from, every one with their unique abilities for different playstyles (shoulder bash spam lmao), from bashers, to quick assassins and Shugoki (he himself is a category). It doesn't matter which character you choose, however. You'll always be judged. Always. Most characters possess a certain caracteristic that makes them annoying but also fun to play with.

That was the general point-of-view. Now here's mine:

I saw a comment once explaining exactly how Ubisoft thought about the state of balance of the characters, which goes like this:

Ubisoft: "If all the characters are overpowered, that means no character is overpowered!"

Now don't tell me that's genius, because behind that concept is one of the most frustrating games ever created. I know I keep saying this over and over again, but, in reality, the game is actually fun.

I've met total strangers in this game and I keep playing with them because I don't tryhard every single game. That's suicide. It can be enjoyed if you play it the right way. You're in a 1v1 in Dominion versus someone using the same character as you? Emote spam the sh*t of your G key! It's mandatory. If you're up against an experienced player... they'll do the same because, to be honest, they've had enough. Why make enemies when you make friends? And whenever he least expects it, hit him with a top unblockable heavy for 50 damage because who cares about friendship.

Nah, just kidding.

The game's fun but it takes a bit to learn (+5h to know the basics, and do BOTH tutorials for the love of god). Find friends to play with and make it fun. Do not intend to win every game, just ledge some people and have a laugh at it.

As for the dev team, it has been disappointing me lately. There's simple yet effective bug fixes to be made (notifications of players leaving the lobby on top of the chat is stupid. ubi, plz fix) and we keep getting useless elite outfits with dull colors / symbols that nobody will buy. Although they fail on some points, they sometimes give us a glimpse of light with a cool update with some neat features.

All in all, this game might be rotting in a lot of people's inventories due to it being free for a week, so give it a try. There's bound to be someone who plays it in your friends list! :)
Publisert 24. mai 2019. Sist endret 24. mai 2019.
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30.2 timer totalt
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
Opposite to other battle-royale games, Ring Of Elysium (ROE) brings something new to the table. Similar to the well-known BR game PUBG, ROE takes all the missing features and implements them in a snowy terrain battle ground, while adding a few touches itself.

Character loadouts, spawn-points, uncommon vehicles, two scopes, automatic attachments, snowboards and multiple or no winners are just a few of ROE's features to make the game fun and appealing for most types of players.

I've had my share of good times in ROE, the mechanics are not as cluncky as PUBG (for me it's a plus) and the weapons offer a variety of playstyles for you to choose from. The game is at it's beginning so new content from here on out will only complement the game. I await for future updates! :)
Publisert 23. desember 2018.
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163.5 timer totalt (122.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
As the online reviews mention it, definitely one of the best games ever made.

This was the first game I've ever played in the "The Witcher" franchise and although I don't fully understand the details of the story (about what happened in the past, the characters' stories or the territories' influences), the tale's core is well explained and enjoyable.

The combat system is fun. Unlike Assassin's Creed, waiting for attacks and insta-killing everyone with counter-attacks won't do the job versus multiple enemies. Moving fast, dodging and using signs efficiently is key to survive in The Witcher world.

The interactive narrative is so good, I don't even know which part to start complementing. The choices you make do matter, may they be from main or side quests. The side quests are well done and feel like rich content, not just some crappy extra to keep you occupied.

Overall, it's a must. I've always liked single-player games and whenever good single-player games come out, veteran players tend to remember what gaming used to be like (PS2 games were sick!). The story, graphics and overall "feeling" of the game is immersive to the player.

After playing the two expansions, I'm definitely going to clear the two previous games and come back yet again.
Publisert 11. november 2018. Sist endret 11. november 2018.
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1,490.3 timer totalt (546.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Rocket League is the basically the "columbus egg": an extremely simple idea which is... well, amazing.

With such simple elements like the ball and the cars, not only is it fun but challenging as well. It is newb-friendly but really hard to master at the same time so it's target in the audience is large and appealling for any type of gamer out there.

Although some people are toxic and this increases as the ranks go up, it's still possible to find friendly players.

All-around a great game and definitely one of my top 3.
Publisert 23. november 2016. Sist endret 1. januar 2018.
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4,212.9 timer totalt (1,782.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse av CS:GO
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (or CS:GO for short) as been a massive success over the last few years and it's, without a doubt, one of the most played online games at this very moment.

This sucessor of the Counter-Strike series implements a different atmosphere related to the other Counter-Strike games.

Counter-Strike 1.5/1.6, Counter-Strike: Condition Zero and Counter-Strike: Source are fabulous games, of course, and, even though Valve had pretty much the "perfect FPS game", they still found a way to improve it and create something new.

From various updates, to the operations and the beloved skins, the game keeps growing and growing as time goes on. The community takes part of the development of the game itself, as Valve tries to "listen" to what both the regular players and the professionals have to say about the flaws of the game itself.

The major problem, as everyone agrees, is the COMMUNITY. Everyone who has played the game for over 100 hours does definitely know the meaning of "cyka blyat". I have nothing against Russians (as I have a couple of them in my friends list), but the community in general takes the "competitive" into "agressive". It's ok to mock the opponent here and there but the mother insults, and the flaming itself makes it annoying and horrible.

The only way to override this issue is to get a good solid number of friends to play with and disable communication ingame... which destroys a bit the objective of the game.

Overall, it's a great game! Valve implements the pro scene in the game, so that players can improve their knowledge of the game and improve as CS:GO players!

- Great graphics (if you're into that type of thing)
- Active updates, new weapons, skins, etc.
- Requires mastership, better players have an edge in 1v1
- Skins make the game more interesting, as betting sites, etc.
- Fast bug fixes

- Toxic community
Publisert 26. juni 2014. Sist endret 26. desember 2015.
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215.1 timer totalt (184.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Garry's Mod is the ultimate Sandbox game.

Not only you have various gamemodes created by the community, but also props, machines, and anything you could imagine exists in this game's library.

Overall, it's a FUN game! It's imense versality of possibilities ensures ultimate fun for the player and his friends who decide to tag along!

- It's a Sandbox itself so everything is possible inside a single video-game
- Extremely FUN
- Active community
- Low flaming

- No updates on Valve's part
- Trolls in RPG gamemodes (although it's the server's fault, in case it happens)
Publisert 23. juni 2014. Sist endret 19. januar 2016.
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2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
212.3 timer totalt (195.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Warframe could easily be a paid-to-play game due to it's story-line, gameplay, graphics and a lot of other features in the game.

This, ladies and gentleman, was the first game I've ever spend money on... and believe me, I am a greedy person!

One of the top 10 best free-to-play games out there!
Publisert 17. desember 2013. Sist endret 19. januar 2016.
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384.7 timer totalt (383.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Being the ancestor of the well-known Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, this game is the base of a good First Person Shooter.

The ultimate challenging and mastering Counter-Strike: Source makes sure that more experienced players are rewarded for their effort and mastership.

It was a perfect game and, I can't lie that I had amazing times, but an unexpected "fix" from Valve ruined most of the game's mecanics, like changing spray patterns, movement, etc. for no specific reason. The game died a bit from that point on and everyone turned to CS:GO.
Publisert 26. juni 2013. Sist endret 7. februar 2016.
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