BlowUpDoll 2023年12月26日 5時53分 
lol nice
RuKomori 2023年8月31日 0時30分 
xD lol mad cuz bad
† BAD BLOOD † 2023年8月31日 0時27分 
StormTheTeaFox 2023年4月9日 17時32分 
good fight homie, i was gonna rush ya with the knife since you were the +, gg <3
Mr.Coconut 2023年4月8日 19時29分 
twix 2023年4月8日 19時22分 
they cheat be careful
RuKomori 2023年4月8日 19時22分 
Thank you ^^ it was a fun fight gg
D3r_Kommissar 2023年4月8日 19時21分 
good shots mate keep on huntin :mortis:
RuKomori 2023年4月3日 0時28分 
assits do count towards your kd xD stay mad shotgun kid
kz-endo sayitaintNIK 2023年4月3日 0時27分 
Assist don't count ♥♥♥♥♥. You have more deaths than kills, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. XD
RuKomori 2023年4月3日 0時26分 
lol i prestige almost everytime i hit 100 xD having a little fun with a gun i dont normally get to use. also my kd is positive so deal with it
kz-endo sayitaintNIK 2023年4月3日 0時24分 
Were you born with a ♥♥♥♥♥, or did you develop one later? Keep using the avto negative kd ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
RuKomori 2023年4月1日 0時57分 
wining and complaining
twix 2023年4月1日 0時56分 
please embarrass urself more im out
I Done Hand Cuffed Lightning 2023年4月1日 0時56分 
unable to take it? what do u think im doing rn?
twix 2023年4月1日 0時56分 
jesus christ
I Done Hand Cuffed Lightning 2023年4月1日 0時56分 
free country i cant talk where ever i like
I Done Hand Cuffed Lightning 2023年4月1日 0時55分 
how? like what? you make shotgun seem so easy, high mmr doesnt let you move in closer they insta dome or 2 tap mfs, i think you got the wrong idea on shotguns, must be playing low mmr if you think they are that easy
RuKomori 2023年4月1日 0時54分 
look bud dont talk ♥♥♥♥ on other peoples profiles if your not willing to take it on your own makes it seem like your willing to dish it out but unable to take it.
twix 2023年4月1日 0時52分 
im not saying u only play shotgun im saying ur opinion on them is just unreal
twix 2023年4月1日 0時52分 
no u literally defended the weapon as if its ur own child and i informed you what the majority opinion on the weapons are
I Done Hand Cuffed Lightning 2023年4月1日 0時51分 
dont even know me
I Done Hand Cuffed Lightning 2023年4月1日 0時51分 
you act like i dont use anything else lmao, one match and yet you judge me of of what i brought to that game
twix 2023年4月1日 0時49分 
now enjoy ur day i cba to reply to AI
I Done Hand Cuffed Lightning 2023年4月1日 0時49分 
oh really? thanks for confirming that you dont play shotguns, you clearly dont know what you are talking about.
twix 2023年4月1日 0時48分 
the weapon is a crutch for people who cant aim, boring to use and unskillful. tried them twice out of curiosity and killed 5+ each time. most boring gameplay of my life
twix 2023年4月1日 0時46分 
its not hard to get close to a building and hipfire at someone u deluded gremlin
I Done Hand Cuffed Lightning 2023年4月1日 0時45分 
like shotguns dont take skill, you have to know a compound and know how to move to make them effective, caught you lacking and yet here we are, needed everything just to kill me in that little section lmao
twix 2023年4月1日 0時44分 
shotguns, 0 skill 1 shot in body hipfire zzz
RuKomori 2023年4月1日 0時42分 
nah just prefer weapons with skill expression
I Done Hand Cuffed Lightning 2023年4月1日 0時38分 
lmao u got mad for getting blasted first, "getting what i deserved" lmao what? me playing the game? playing shotguns like how you are supposed to? whatever you say buddy boi same for your friend, lmao you try playing shotguns, wont get any results, only using rifles, never expanding to other weapons lmao, yall sad af
RuKomori 2023年4月1日 0時10分 
also imagine commenting on someones profile while also having your profile set to private xD insecure much lol
twix 2023年4月1日 0時08分 
shotgun players😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
RuKomori 2023年4月1日 0時07分 
not even mad you got what you deserved ^^
I Done Hand Cuffed Lightning 2023年4月1日 0時05分 
stay mad ♥♥♥♥♥♥ lmao, u got clapped
RuKomori 2023年3月28日 2時37分 
ahh aight all good thought you might have been, nice it was just a coincidence my apologies
Fenrir 2023年3月28日 2時21分 
Wasn't trying to extract camp you pal, I got there the same time you did :) GGs well played
twix 2023年3月25日 12時31分 
someone upset the 16 year old
RuKomori 2023年3月25日 12時06分 
totally ping exploiting yep i live in the us xD
† STOP CHEATING PPSMOLERS † 2023年3月25日 9時16分 
-rep - Whole squad of ping exploiting losers. GTFO the us servers!
twix 2022年11月4日 5時16分 
:vanilla3: :Speech_Love: