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Останні рецензії користувача SilverRose

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16.8 год. загалом
I finished the original Deus Ex two weeks ago and I loved it. So after reading all the good reviews I decided to give this one a go. And oh my god, it's so bad!

Just a short comparison between the Original Deus Ex and this one.

In the original one I had the following ways to enter a locked area:
-I could lockpick the door
-I could break the door open with a melee weapon if I had enough strength
-I could use explosives to open the door
-Depending on what kind of door it was I sometimes even could hack the door
-I could make some noise to alert the enemies inside the room to open the door
-Sometimes I could also find a secret vent that would lead to the room

Alright now let's compare it to this game:
-I can hack the door open
-Sometimes (very rarely though) there is a vent that also leads to the room

And that's pretty much it!

And this continues on with the whole game, everything is so watered down and simplified that it's just no fun to explore anything.

Things I didn't like:
-No melee weapons, instead you just have to press one single button to instantly knock out every kind of enemy, no matter if they see you or not
-No lockpicking, why was it removed? It makes no sense that every damn door uses an electronic lock
-No multitools, the PC seems to be an expert hacker. But the reason I liked them is because they were limited usable items and you always had to consider if you want to use them or not, same as lockpicks
-They completely removed the skillsystem and mixed skills and augmentation together into one big mess. You get way too many praxis kits and easily get everything maxed out. So there is no real build variety. In the original you only had limited implant slots and had to chose carefully what kind of implant you want to install. And it felt rewarding after finally finding one.
-Bad leveldesign (like seriously, most of the time there are only two different ways to enter an area with most of them being vents a few feet away from the main entrance + most of the areas seem to be boring offices)
-Boring story, I don't know what else to say about that. It just didn't catch me at all.
-Way too much hacking, you are basically forced to get it or you will miss on a lot of optional areas. Doesn't matter though because most of these areas are boring and empty and only have a computer in it, which of course is also only accessible by hacking them. The hacking minigame is fun at first but after doing them for the 1000 time it gets old fast.
-The AI is really annoying at times, if one enemy catches you the whole damn room knows where you are.
-I don't like the inventory. Drag and drop sometimes didn't work properly. And I hated how it was done in general, that you had to click on an item and then click on "examine" just to find out the stats or what it even does. Again much better in the first one.
-Sidequests felt out of place, most of the time I felt like an errand boy
-All the loading screens

What I liked:
-The graphics are better (duh!) but it still looks weird at times (why is the protagonist's head so small?)
-It had some good ideas

So please tell me, why did they remove all the features from the first one and seemingly all they did was give it better graphics and some cutscenes. Every new game nowadays seems to do that.
All you had to do was to keep the same amount of features that were already done in a game created in the year 2000(!), increase the graphics and come up with an exciting story!

And due to all this I had to uninstall the game after around 16 hours and will probably never touch it again.

Додано 22 жовтня 2020 р..
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