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Recent reviews by SpookedIn

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4 people found this review helpful
270.8 hrs on record
Was pretty good, had a lot of potential but has been practically abandoned at this point. Population has also been declining for years, currently around 260 players at peak hours, but drops around 160. Avoid unless it goes on sale for a substantially less price!

Edit: Definitely avoid now that there are no more official servers, and the player base is virtually nonexistent. Should be free now instead of it’s full egregious 30 dollar price tag, they made the dlc free the least the could do it make the base game free too given support is not ceased to exist!
Posted 20 October, 2021. Last edited 21 April, 2023.
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9.9 hrs on record (6.3 hrs at review time)
It's fun on a bun! It actually feels good to draw with a mouse and keyboard, dunno what black magic they used to make this, but it's good stuff!
Posted 4 April, 2021.
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A developer has responded on 14 Jul, 2021 @ 10:59am (view response)
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70.1 hrs on record (48.4 hrs at review time)
One of the best co-op games with a lot of reaplayability even after all these years. Great mod community, and it got an update this year adding new campaign levels. Grab a friend and give it a try, they're classics for a reason.
Posted 27 November, 2020.
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4.9 hrs on record
What....the....hell! What can I say without spoiling it, not a huge fan of the VN genre, but this one was easily my favorite. Best you play it blind without spoilers, it will ruin the overall experience. And remember, it aint over till the credits come a rollin.
Posted 13 October, 2017. Last edited 23 November, 2017.
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3 people found this review helpful
23.7 hrs on record (19.3 hrs at review time)
Great Warhammer game that is a pretty dang good successor to L4D. Though has a declining player base, which sucks, and doesn't run well on lower end machines (I get 60 in some places, and fps as low as 15-20 on low settings with the high cpu usage items off). Loot system is a joke, but Fatshark has addressed and is improving it. All in all for a small studio and dev team as Fatshark, they managed to make a pretty damn decent Warhammer game, with surprisingly smooth melee combat (seriously, not many games nail this for some reason). Nothing more satisfying than my hammer bouncing off the skulls of skaven heretical filth!

Though due to the small playerbase, finding a game can be troubling at certain times of the day. I advise if you want to actually find a game, don’t use the table, press “L” to bring up the lobby list and find a game that way. Loot table as I said is not the greatest, and Fatshark is trying to fix it (though you can increase your chances of rare loot by collecting grimoire books hidden throughout the missions). They release one free DLC for every paid DLC, as of this reviews publishing, we have two free and two paid for, so the third should be free. Also worth a mention that there is zero backtracking, which is a con for me, since you may overlook a grimoire book which will mess with your loot success rate (that is receiving a rarer item), as well as a team member getting pinned by a special in the previous area.
The game does have it’s issues, but they don’t seem to be giving up on this title yet, just be patient if you do buy this. They are a small dev team, working hard on updates, fixes, and content releases.

Surprisingly smooth/polished melee combat
Small studio means slower updates/content releases, though I am willing to excuse them based on that
Enjoyable characters with vastly different/varied personalities, seriously love their banter throughout the level
Loot table, which Fatshark is trying to fix
Great graphics (that is if you have a PC that can max it)
Has trouble running on lower end machines
They release free DLC for every paid DLC, the next one should be free as of this reviews posting
Decling playerbase may make it hard to enter/find a game, though most level can be solo'd with bots up to hard (that is if you are good).
Pick up groups can be a pain at times, I reccomend playing with a few friends since communication makes the game worlds easier
This is at least what I felt about the game during my small play time, I'm sure I'll find more pros and cons as I go, but so far I'm frikkin loving this game. Though be weary, if you didn't like L4D, or not too fond of CO-OP games, then you may not like this. As well as some performance issues on lower hardware.
Posted 17 July, 2016. Last edited 17 July, 2016.
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37 people found this review helpful
29.1 hrs on record
Please note I played way more than 30 hours, I played during the closed beta for about 400 or so hours before it arrived on steam.

What can I say that hasn't been said before. The game was probably one of the best MMO's I played in recent years. Well before they changed so many things that never needed to be changed. Things that made this game stand out amongst the plethora and constant releases of MMO’s. This was mostly due to Mark Kern being booted from being CEO, this is when the game started going downhill, and when some of the best and unique parts of the game being stripped down and removed. If that name sounds familiar, he worked as a team lead on some of Blizzards most popular titles. His stance on the current state of the game, in an interview via MMOBomb
Originally posted by Mark Kern Via MMOBomb:
pretty much a standard MMO now, instead of the simulated massive war game that I had always wanted to make”.
So it’s pretty much now your current run of the mill MMO.

Some of the best missions got removed, same with the lore, crafting was removed (which now has made thumping pretty much useless), frames being heavily restricted...and among other things. This sucked for many of the veterans that supported the game by buying the founders packs to support of what many of us thought was an amazing game (like my friends and I did after playing a long while), only to get screwed over in the long run by the new development path of the devs/new CEO. But to make this short, the game, which showed so much potential and promise, is pretty much dead now with almost no signs of changing and reverting back to what the veterans loved about it, and what made it unique. It got so bad that they were not able to pay their devs due to them not having the funds.

Though hope still remains since Mark said that if the game sees the sunset, then he’ll try and buy it back and save it, or if that doesn’t work (if he isn’t able to re-buy it), then he’ll make Ember, Firefalls spiritual successor. So there's hope that we will still see some version of Firefall in the near future. If you want to play it, I say it's worth a look, but I wouldn't invest any money into it, since it does appear to be failing.

http://www.mmobomb.com/features/mark-kern-firefall-different-early-id-re-purchase-became-available/ - His quote on the current state . Also may be a reason why he was removed. (though they come from employees that were under his leadership)

http://www.mmobomb.com/news/mark-kern-launches-petition-ember-firefalls-spiritual-successor/ - Some extra info on his new game if he can’t get Firefall

*Edit - Guess Steam hates MMOBomb.

*Update/Edit #2 - That Ember thing I mentioned, it appears it now has a forum https://forums.emberthegame.com/ If the link doesn't work (or Steam removes it), then just type in "Ember the game" in Google. GLHF, and I hope to so you nomads on the new frontier!
Posted 17 July, 2016. Last edited 17 August, 2016.
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0.0 hrs on record
Play it! Just do it, you won't be sorry and might just leave with a smiley grin!
Posted 5 December, 2015.
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6.7 hrs on record (0.6 hrs at review time)
Best friendzone simulator RPG I've ever played! It's an epic tell where you try to get with Emily through 5 epic chapters, just to get horribly friendzoned in the end. But hey atleast you got that college degree right ;).
Posted 22 November, 2015. Last edited 22 November, 2015.
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3 people found this review helpful
273.8 hrs on record (138.3 hrs at review time)
This game is an amazing MMO, one of the best I've played. I was to young to play the original when it had came out (which it just got its 20th expansion pack recently) but I was at the right age when this game came out to be able to play it. The game itself is amazing looking for it's age (graphics are not what makes a game a game but is nice). It has an amazing amount of classes and races, the sides you can pick are Good, neutral, and Evil with 6 in Evil and Good and 8 in neutral. Now the Classes are abundant, there are 4 categories with Fighters, Healers, Scouts, and mages. Each but the Scout categories have six classes each while Scouts have 7. Races in EQ 2 have racial attributes; say frogloks are good fighter classes. Also choosing your deity is importing in improving your class effectiveness. I could go on about the amazing features of this game, but there is too much to say.

Classes: https://www.everquest2.com/classes

Races: https://www.everquest2.com/races
Posted 30 November, 2013.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries