Robin Wils
Robin Wils   Belgium
Sometimes I escape into games, but I prefer not to. I try to pick them carefully. Just like art or music. I prefer to get something valuable out of them. You can explore my interests and opinions on my website [].
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Games I find value in:
- Pathologic 2 - Very cool visuals. Love what this game is. Avoids the hero trope. PathologicHD has fun music, but is harder to follow. Yes, the combat sucks, but I like the music.
- The Void - Also from the people who made pathologic. Similar kind of game, but different.
- Deadly Premonition - PC port is terrible. Great story. Not purely fun, not purely deep. The sequel wasn't amazing though. But it had some great or sweet moments. The start of the sequel was nice.

Games to escape in:
- D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die - It was never finished. Although it had potential to be the best kinect game.
- Yakuza franchise - Focuses on fun and side-activities. Much humor. It is quiet escapism heavy though. Filled with addictive content. There is some story too.
- Binding of Isaac & Touhou: hero of the ice fairy - bullethell RPGs, you can fill tons of time with these, which is why you should be careful.
- Other party games (Jackbox, Use Your Words, etc)
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Review Showcase
90 Hours played
"A unique masterpiece. One of the few games with deep ideas. Use the map. Explore the town. Suffer."

Can you remain optimistic and push on? How strong of a person are you? Good luck — you will need it. Overcome the nihilism. Learn things about yourself during the journey. You will have to deal with hard questions and choices. There is a lot of dialogue, and it requires your complete attention. It is for a specific audience, but I highly recommend it.

Pathologic 2 does what the original did but in a more accessible way. The conversations are easier to follow. I love looking at the graphics of the town. This is a unique experience. You will make mistakes and fail, but you should go on with those mistakes. It is part of the experience. This time embracing your mistakes is possible, which wasn't the case in Pathologic Classic.

The majority won't complete the journey. There is one part which I did not like. A cave. You may need a guide, maybe even cheat temporarily for that small part. You will know when you get there.

Two more playable characters have yet to be added, but they are working on that.
Artwork Showcase
The start of a journey
MrTheMarkoman 27 Dec, 2020 @ 2:13pm 
They should instead make The Forest: Extreme Edition, where the trees explode and you can surf on the logs to take out the mutants