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지난 2주간 4.1시간 / 기록상 360.8시간 (평가 당시 304.1시간)
게시 일시: 2023년 12월 2일 오전 8시 44분
업데이트됨: 2023년 12월 2일 오전 11시 46분

I would recommend this if it had the ability to disable crossplay. Until they add that feature it is gonna be a pass. If you can deal with the gamepass toxic players, pick the game up, otherwise it is a hard pass.

Edit: Before you say "it has the ability to disable crossplay" it doesnt. The Microsoft Game Store has it baked into it so users from there can disable it but steam users can not turn off crossplay, and it seems the devs are refusing to add it for steam users.
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