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发布于:2014 年 12 月 30 日 下午 12:41

This game is positively amazing the only goal is to live there is nothing else. You can spend hours exploring and hunting/trapping. The weather changes at a moments notice so you can get caught out in a blizzard and have to survive out the cold and try to find shelter in limited visibility. You also have to pay attention to your food/water intake the game has a calorie counter to show how far you are to starving and also everything you do takes energy if your encumbered youll burn more calories and dehydrate faster as well as fatigue so you have to monitor your physical state you even burn calories when you sleep. And the enviroment is ruthless if you shoot a deer and dont get a kill shot you can spend 15 minutes tracking its blood trail which i thought was fantastic and the animals arent retarded they actually react to there enviroment like noise and weather. The trapping system is also great you have to find rabbit prints and trails to set your snares or your not catching anythings. I think the only discrepency i found with this game was the crafting system and it wasnt the system itself which is 1 of the best ive come across in a while it was how limted you were on what you can make, i like the fact that to make clothes you neew a sewing kit and for metal items you need tools. Over all this game is a amazing experience and ide recommened it to anyone. But as a closing comment if you play games like Rust, Dayz or The Forest this game is going to be a relaxing stroll in the park survival experience.
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