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投稿日: 2016年12月23日 3時00分
更新日: 2022年11月23日 7時21分

Eve is dying unfortunately... It is an old mare who got dragged too much through bad weather and became fearful of change. Well, things are always changing....

As a 10+ years veteran i can never not recomend it as it is a AWSOME game but caveat empteor.

Got a 20 year old char in game which in itself is amazing. That said, nothing in it has made me get OMEGA for a long, long time.
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2 件のコメント
Eliza 2016年12月26日 12時19分 
I respect your bittervet status, but I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.
TehNeo 2016年12月23日 19時12分 
EVE is not dying... I'm also a 10 year old veteran, and with the latest changes, they probably gained. Be Real... And respect the CCP.