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4 of 38 (11%) logros conseguidos:

Logros personales

Novice Orc Hunter

Kill 10 Orcs. Reward: 1 gem
Se desbloqueó el 27 FEB a las 8:34 a. m.

Novice Warlord

Win a total of 10 battles. Reward: 1 gem
Se desbloqueó el 27 FEB a las 8:41 a. m.

Novice Plunderer

Loot 5 items from the battlefield. Reward: 1 gem
Se desbloqueó el 27 FEB a las 8:39 a. m.

Welcome to dying

The first dwarf has fallen. Life insurance: 1 gem
Se desbloqueó el 27 FEB a las 8:41 a. m.

Apprentice Orc Hunter

Kill 100 Orcs. Reward: 3 gems
36 / 100

Adept Orc Hunter

Kill 500 Orcs. Reward: 5 gems
36 / 500

Expert Orc Hunter

Kill 1.000 Orcs. Reward: 10 gems
36 / 1,000

Master Orc Hunter

Kill 10.000 Orcs. Reward: 20 gems
36 / 10,000

Grandmaster Orc Hunter

Kill 100.000 Orcs. Reward: 20 gems
36 / 100,000

Archon Orc Hunter

KIll 1.000.000 Orcs. Reward: 20 gems

Novice Smith

Forge an item of good quality. Reward: 1 gem

Apprentice Smith

Forge an item of rare quality. Reward: 3 gems

Adept Smith

Forge an item of epic quality. Reward: 5 gems

Expert Smith

Forge an item of legendary quality. Reward: 10 gems

Master Smith

Forge an item of mythic quality. Reward: 20 gems

Novice Trader

Upgrade the shop to tier 2. Reward: 1 gem
1 / 2

Apprentice Trader

Upgrade the shop to tier 5. Reward: 3 gems
1 / 5

Adept Trader

Upgrade the shop to tier 10. Reward: 5 gems
1 / 10

Expert Trader

Upgrade the shop to tier 15. Reward: 10 gems
1 / 15

Master Trader

Upgrade the shop to tier 20. Reward: 20 gems
1 / 20

Grandmaster Trader

Upgrade the shop to tier 25. Reward: 20 gems
1 / 25

Apprentice Warlord

Win a total of 50 battles. Reward: 3 gems
10 / 50

Adept Warlord

Win a total of 100 battles. Reward: 5 gems
10 / 100

Expert Warlord

Win a total of 500 battles. Reward: 10 gems
10 / 500

Master Warlord

Win a total of 1.000 battles. Reward: 20 gems
10 / 1,000

Grandmaster Warlord

Win a total of 10.000 battles. Reward: 20 gems
10 / 10,000

Archon Warlord

Win a total of 100.000 battles. Reward: 20 gems
10 / 100,000

Apprentice Plunderer

Loot 20 items from the battlefield. Reward: 3 gems
7 / 20

Adept Plunderer

Loot 100 items from the battlefield. Reward: 5 gems
7 / 100

Expert Plunderer

Loot 500 items from the battlefield. Reward: 10 gems
7 / 500

Master Plunderer

Loot 1.000 items from the battlefield. Reward: 20 gems
7 / 1,000

Grandmaster Plunderer

Loot 10.000 items from the battlefield. Reward: 20 gems
7 / 10,000

Archon Plunderer

Loot 100.000 items from the battlefield. Reward: 20 gems
7 / 100,000


Ten dwarves have joined the ancestors. Life insurance: 3 gems
2 / 10

A dark day

50 dwarves rest in the eternal halls. Life insurance: 5 gems
2 / 50

A darker day

100 dwarves are no longer marching to war. Life insurance: 10 gems
2 / 100


500 dwarves have fallen in battle. Life insurance: 20 gems
2 / 500


1.000 dwarves had to be burried under the stone. Life insurance: 20 gems
2 / 1,000