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Recent reviews by RessyRes

Showing 1-8 of 8 entries
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601.4 hrs on record (261.3 hrs at review time)
A really, really fun game for sandboxers and strategists alike. With 250 hours of playtime clocked i still havent found everything out, nor have done all the decisions. And the devs are still actively working on it too! Beri gud Game
Posted 29 November, 2021.
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900.6 hrs on record (757.2 hrs at review time)
With more than enough to do, this game always manages to keep me playing.

And i reccomend playing it with some of your friends.
Posted 29 November, 2020.
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949.2 hrs on record (601.2 hrs at review time)
A game that is constantly being worked on. Sometimes there are little content droughts but thats it. There is enough content to enjoy yourself for hours upon hours, and enough content to create your very own space ninja of death.
Posted 23 February, 2020.
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58.8 hrs on record (26.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Good game that is really addictive.
Posted 5 July, 2019.
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90.9 hrs on record (77.7 hrs at review time)
I have been really, really triggered by the fact that i got banned from online and got my characters reset for no good reason. Rockstar are basically gian moneymilkers who only want you to buy a bunch of shark cards. This is just insane.
Posted 4 December, 2017.
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41.7 hrs on record (41.1 hrs at review time)
Well what has not been said about this game yet. Its probably one of my favourite assassins creed games.

I was really sticked to the screen in this game. It wanted me to... just play it.

Nice open world, alot of content but only a bit janky controls.
Posted 24 November, 2017.
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38.6 hrs on record (27.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
To be honest, I did not expext mutch from this game when i first saw it. A friend was like 'Hey, you have to see this game.' So I went to his place and we played it for hours straight.

We built some epic ships, fought fleets and stuff, it was overall amazing.
The game might be a bit complicated for the beginner though, luckily there is a tutorial, and you even get an achievement for completing it!

I would rate this game a solid 8/10 would reccomend.
Posted 22 August, 2017.
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120.8 hrs on record (15.4 hrs at review time)
What is Fallout New Vegas for me.

Fallout New Vegas is the most relaxing walking session ever. If you tune on the radio on your Pip-Boy it will be all nice. For me this is a game that introduced me to the Fallout Series, and this game succeeded in that really well. I love to play it, love to explore the posibilities. It was worth my money for sure.

Just imagine walking around a wasteland with your trustworthy weapon, your companion and some old time music on. Maybe the scenary is not too pretty, but the game is old and you have Mods to fix that. Sometimes, the game might be a bit buggy but that does not make the game bad for me at all. But the Combat works pretty good aswell. There is always something to do since the map is large, there are a bunch of quests and little secrets you can find. An example would be that I suddenly found two dead Brotherhood of Steel members in a pit with ugly monsters swarming them.

I am having a bunch of fun with this game and I have to give Props to Bethesda who reached my list of favorite game developers.
Posted 28 June, 2017.
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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries