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1 person found this review helpful
65.4 hrs on record
The game and story line are, just, boring....
Posted 24 June, 2023.
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A developer has responded on 25 Jun, 2023 @ 8:38am (view response)
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11.7 hrs on record
i play poke with claptrap
Posted 20 March, 2022.
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26.9 hrs on record (7.2 hrs at review time)
Linux Support :)
Posted 1 September, 2021.
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16.7 hrs on record (14.0 hrs at review time)
When I first played this game, it was day 1 of its release. Although the gate endings didn't exist I was still able to reach pretty deep in the game. Unfortunately, 2 years later and the game still doesn't have the Gate endings.
Those familiar with the games may tell me that the gate endings do exist and yes they do. BUT they're impossible to achieve. Let me tell you a story, I got 3 people together to play this game start to finish. I hosted the game, we all joined, and no one could see anyone else move. The multiplayer function was broken on v2.044 (which is the latest version as of writing). However, I know that the older version with p2p support was function. Now I have everyone downgrading to the older version of the game so we can actually play it. Luckily, the P2P version actually worked. Now, let me break down the glitches that occurred in each segment of the game:
Light Containment Zone:
At the beginning, the game seemed fine until we had to into the basement. The SCP in the basement would stack in one place and essentially keep us stuck. In the original game they cannot see, only hear which turns the basement into a fun, scary challenge about hiding in corners for the right moment. In this version, they're omnipotent gods who know where you are at all times. This is where we had to start abusing the games. One person would die, someone else would teleport to them and run closer to the exit until they died, the original person would respawn and teleport to the new dead person. Rinse and repeat until you're out of the basement (Bezbro stop, don't fix this until you fix the basement SCP). Once we where out of the basement it wasn't too bad, we made it to SCP-914 and upgraded our ♥♥♥♥ to level 5. Except that the navigator wouldn't go through the machine, the gas mask on very fine resulting in a gas mask with no extra effects, AND MASON WOULDN'T ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ STOP MESSING WITH THE 173 PICTURE. Next, we were on our way to the control center to turn off the lock down and make it to the heavy containment zone....
The control center room didn't spawn on our seed.
Luckily, this isn't my first rodeo with SCP CB and I knew that a skillful navigation through the 106 pocket dimension would put us in heavy containment. We waited for 106 to spawn, made it through the butthole dimension and now we were at the heavy containment zone.
Heavy Containment Zone:
We arrived in the heavy containment zone and meet up with eachother. We began to look for SCP-008. Although the heavy containment zone wasn't too glitchy, the bad map generation really began to rear it's ugly head here. The map was really large and yet it was mostly really repetitive hallways and sharp turns. This really became nauseating after a while. Unfortunately, a player in my team's headset died. Now we're down to 3 team members. We found SCP-008, closed it, and made our way to the entrance zone. Our second team member left after he got tired and nauseated from being in this forsaken game for 3 hours straight.
The Entrance Zone:
We finally made it to the entrance zone! The MTF spawned... RIGHT IN FRONT OF US! We all died. Luckily, we were able to use the respawn to dead guy exploit that I mentioned in the first chapter. The MTF just began to face the wall and stopped attacking us. Great, further we marched making our way to the electrical center. We made it, turned off remote door control and began to make our way back to the heavy containment zone. Except, we didn't. We made it to the doors only to find that the heavy containment doors were shutdown due to SCP-008. It seems that at some point SCP-008 reset and thus causing us to be soft locked in the entrance zone. This is where our journey ends, we all quit and never played again. The End.

This should give a good idea of the state of this game. I failed to mention even half of the glitches (like how some players got random fps issues for extended periods of times). This game is just completely unfinished and broken. Although Light Containment Zone description was the longest, the glitches were most profound as the game runs for longer and longer.

I'd also like to mention that I found SCP-999, half way in the floor. I touched it, and it died.

2/10, would not bang SCP-173 (penis)
I won't discount the effort the developer put into the project, but they really need to fix the bugs.
If the developer:
-Made the map generation less repetitive and more insteresting (especially since repetitive map generation leads to motion sickness).
-Fix a lot of the fundimental bugs that prevent game progress
-Added an option to use P2P even when dedicated servers and relay are available
-Updated some of the assets to be more modern. (I know that they're going for a faithful adaptation in VR, but I think that something closer to a remake or remaster in VR would work much better. The developer doesn't seem afraid of adding new content given that there a, although minor, medical center basement in light containment that didn't exist at all in the original).
-Added more content (i.e. new SCPs, rooms, and perhaps even game modes)

There could very well a very fun (and monetizeable) product.

P.S. I didn't notice any major performance issues (besides a bug that resulted in some player's FPS dropping to 5 FPS) although I am on a very high end system.
Posted 17 May, 2021. Last edited 5 March, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
1.4 hrs on record (0.4 hrs at review time)
I've played for less than an hour
here are some notes on everything terrible I already noticed:
*The model for your hands are the HTC Vive wand controllers... on an Oculus Quest 2
*Your hands, aren't where your hands are if you're using anything but an HTC Vive with wand controllers, your hands are where the top of the wands would be, so it feels like I'm holding a pair of arms and not controlling a pair of hands in VR
*You can't reset your height without respawning, so if you load in when you're not in perfect position, you're going to be stuck at a weird height, lucky they added a suicide button to the main menu
*This game cannot be handled at anything but the lowest settings on a 1660 Ti using the Quest 2 at 75% res and 80 Hz
*Everything was shaky to the point where I could bet someone who is prone to motion sickness would vomit within minutes
*The aiming was a bit off
*The whole thing feels unoptimized and rushed
Posted 8 April, 2021.
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26.7 hrs on record (22.9 hrs at review time)
It's good, but not the best vr game.
Posted 17 March, 2021. Last edited 9 July, 2023.
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0.0 hrs on record
I do have VR
Posted 10 March, 2021.
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1 person found this review helpful
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0.3 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
this kind of shovelware should be kept to gamejolt
Posted 6 March, 2021.
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11 people found this review helpful
2 people found this review funny
0.2 hrs on record (0.1 hrs at review time)
I was gonna ♥♥♥♥ on this
but then I remembered that Pog champ Bhop Simulator exists on Steam

I'm gonna leave a positive review just because this would have taken effort
there are worse shovelware grade games on steam that are either paid or have micro-transactions

If you download this mod, you're gonna get exactly what it looks like, someone's first complete Half-Life 2 Mod
Posted 6 March, 2021.
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5.0 hrs on record (3.4 hrs at review time)
It took me an hour to finish the first part of the tutorial

How does use throttle to drive

Posted 6 March, 2021.
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