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投稿日: 2023年4月25日 7時34分
更新日: 2023年4月25日 7時38分

This game captivated be for the better part of a whole week. Playing it alternately on my PC and Steam Deck throughout the whole week on Hard difficulty it took about 60 hours to 100% the game, without really being stuck anywhere.
It's not perfect, far from it. But it was so entertaining and fun to play, I just have to recommend it.

Game ran absolutely flawlessly on Deck and hardly drained the Battery.
Only flaw in that regard is, that as of now the Deck automatically sets the resolution to 1280x720 and saves the resolution for when it is next started on PC, and to change it on PC the game has to be opened, resolution changed and restarted again. Little tedious.

The Story was the biggest surprise. No matter how you guess the Story continues, the game throws a curveball and something completely unexpected happens. And that exact scenario happened like 15 times; just when I thought I knew what would happen the game did a sharp turn and shattered my guesses.

The Combat is simple, but very fun nonetheless. You mash a lot, try to jump and dash around to avoid being hit while occasionally using items. Simple stuff, but executed very well.

There are a couple flaws I want to point out though.
First of all, as many said before, translations are a little weird at times. It's not unintelligible, but it's just... off at times. You will notice the weirdness here and there in the translations, but that won't stop you from understanding the Story. If you don't understand the Story, that's just because the Story is absolutely convoluted and insane (but still great), not because of any errors in translation.

Also, the game feels a little stretched with a lot enemies being recycled throughout the end (last chapter).

But that's it already, there isn't much else for me to negatively point out.
I had a ton of fun, more fun than I had with some Triple-A Games.
It certainly could profit from some improvements to the UI and its navigation as well as improved translations, but it's perfectly fun as is. If you enjoy some mild grinding and 2D Rpgs, this is probably gonna bring you some fun.
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