Don't Starve Together
Expositor de artwork
Designed By Nevzat Atak
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Counter-Strike: Source
Juego favorito
Who are the Turks?
Who are the Turks?

Türkler kim mi?

Korkusundan Çin Seddi yaptırılan (Mete)
Avrupa'ya aman dileten (Attila)
50 binle 200 bin kişilik orduyu yok eden (Alparslan)
2 bin kişi ile 500 bin haçlı ordusunu Hatay'a kadar kovalayan (Kılıçarslan)
40 çeriyle binlerce kişilik Çin'e karşı duran (Kürşad)
Gemileri karadan yürütüp çağ kapatıp çağ açan (Fatih)
Herkesin "Bitti, gitti" dediği zamanda topraklarını düşmanlardan kurtaran (Atatürk)


Who is Turks?

The reason of Great Wall of China. (Mete)
The Nation that made Europe beg for mercy. (Atilla)
The government who defeated 200.000 soldiers while it has only 50.000 soldiers. (Alparslan)
The government who chased 500.000 crosade while it has only 2.000 people. (Kılıçarslan)
The government who stand against China with 40 soldiers. (Kürşad)
The government who drive the ships from the ground and start a new era. (Fatih)
The government who took its government back while everyone says "Finished" (Atatürk)

Actividad reciente
347 h registradas
134 h registradas
usado por última vez el 20 NOV
3,140 h registradas
usado por última vez el 18 NOV
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