Mihai   Romania
if you got stuck in a brony v.s. hater war. i will be smart to be nertural. if your netural then you dont have a problem. its that easy. you dont love, you dont hate, your just normal. did i mention that i got myself a crowbar? no? well I GOT MYSELF ONE!!!

so if your in a brony v.s. hater war
JOIN NO ONE. netural will get you normal

]garrysmod [http//%5Bgmodorg%7Cea903f84cb8fede2a73fc93b6ea0a669]
]garrysmod [http//%5Bgmodorg%7Cea903f84cb8fede2a73fc93b6ea0a669]
]garrysmod [http//%5Bgmodorg%7Cea903f84cb8fede2a73fc93b6ea0a669]
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