
Последние обзоры Raviable

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Three words: Hyper fixation, Pool, Addiction.
Опубликовано 13 февраля.
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2.3 ч. всего (1.8 ч. в момент написания)
Oh boy, where do I even start?

KFC is generally the type of fast food place you wouldn't see doing this stuff, whether it's the only way their dying fast food chain will possibly come back up from the ashes or not. Even then such a game is ridiculous when it comes to mind, I'm not going to treat this like any other person who has reviewed the game. Those people have mostly played the game for Ironic purposes and so have I, but unlike any other I want to point out this game's amusingly bland nature for a dating game. Most dating games revolve around you dating some anime girl or guy just to see a picture of them completely nude (Possibly) and thus end your self-pleasuring session for the night, this is why the dating simulator is commonly associated with weaboos and degenerate autistic men in general. With this in mind, none other than KFC themselves came up to the ring to get themselves back up to the glory they used to have back in older times by collaborating with a game development studio to make what is possibly one of the worst ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ monstrosities of a dating game I have ever seen. The game is more linear than your average run of Super Mario Bros, and gives you the possibility to date Colonel Sanders in an overly buff anime form which even the Colonel himself would face-palm at. The game (Of Course) revolves around you trying to win the Colonel's love.

may I ask, who the ♥♥♥♥ would want to date Colonel Sanders? Isn't he just some guy who made some really good ass chicken?

The gameplay, well there's barely any gameplay except for a couple of time throughout the story where you choose what to say and this one cooking sequence where you answer questions (And also that weird Mashed Potatoes boss Battle) , At least most dating games offer actual choices in terms of what you can do, and this game? Well every time you make the choice the developers didn't want you to make, They just throw a game over at you so you can start at the last save point. The game just walks you through like a book or something, no sense of choice in some cases. It's just an electronic form of a story that you'll probably barely even care about in the first place.

Oh? The Story? I'll give you my opinion on that.

The story really seems like it's going somewhere at times, yet it really doesn't fit the nature of a dating game. Any form of Romance? Nope, Chuck Testa. It revolves around you trying to win the Colonel's heart, but it doesn't really feel like it. Shouldn't a story about love actually include the Characters doing something remotely related to love? Because it damn sure feels like the Colonel doesn't give a dead mangled deer's rotting corpse about getting romantic in any way shape or form. Sure he kind of mentions it in the ending, oh yeah, I forgot about the ending.

Now, before I go through with the ending. If you want to play through the game fully, that's fine by me. But prepared to be dissapointed as ♥♥♥♥, because this game doesn't have a remotely decent ending at all.

May I ask you, what do you expect as the ending of a dating simulator game? Possibly the characters getting married? Maybe even a Raunchy cutscene of the characters doing what the world intends us all to do eventually in life? Those are some nice endings, but I don't think Psyop wanted to make a dating game in the first place. The end of the story doesn't really even have a high point, sure, you finally get Colonel to say he loves you. But there's nothing else to it really, the ending I experienced is mediocre at best and I highly suggest that if your thinking of seeing the Hot body of the anime Colonel Sanders then you might as well be Playing Huniepop instead, you horny ♥♥♥♥.

Now, the conclusion

I don't really know how to describe this game, as it just feels like an empty advertisement that only wants you to get KFC. I really wanted to appreciate this game in a meme-ish sense, and while it was funny sometimes it just didn't make the cut in my opinion. I appreciate the corporate Fatcats at Kentucky Fried Chicken's Headquarters at least trying to get some recognition in their brand, but from my perspective, I've already tried the Colonel's great-tasting fries! and even though I haven't tried the Chicken, I presume it's great. My suggestion to KFC is to look into what they can do to elevate their brand again, Do anything, even try partnering up with Epic Games to get sponsored by Fortnite. But Colonel, you failed me this time. This game just isn't great as the fried chicken you make.
Опубликовано 25 сентября 2019 г..
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8.3 ч. всего (3.2 ч. в момент написания)
"It's rlly ♥♥♥♥♥♥!!!11!!!11!!!1!!!" they say.

ok, lemme start with the good (Because you obviously want the good)

This game has a really nice atmosphere, even running on an old, but upgraded 2009 PC you'll still see the good visuals this game has to offer. And I really like the fishing in all honesty, this game is pretty much great looking at first. there is so much variety in the game, and because I'm working on a fishing game in ROBLOX (Yes, make fun of me all you want) it really helps me when looking in the store and what fishing rods really are, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sticks.

here's the bad:
The game will definitely require some money, i know i can go out and buy a steam card some time, but it really doesn't have a great effect on the people who have reviewed the game and gave it ♥♥♥♥. but you can't do anything about it, these people run a game development company, and profit is a must. So get yourself together and stop criticizing this god curch of a game.


2 Years after I reviewed this game, eh? I'll clarify for once that the reviews have skyrocketed in recommendations, and that Roblox game is well overdue and was shelved like weeks after like many of my Roblox projects are. I haven't played this game in a while, I'll see what it truly has to offer.
Опубликовано 15 сентября 2017 г.. Отредактировано 3 ноября 2019 г..
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24.9 ч. всего (19.9 ч. в момент написания)
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First of all, it's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Pay To Play. Though if you actually go ahead and spend the money it's a decent shooter with mutiple gamemodes.

5/10, not at it's best, but still does the job of combining ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ minecraft with CS:GO
Опубликовано 27 августа 2017 г..
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2.7 ч. всего (1.9 ч. в момент написания)
Опубликовано 29 октября 2016 г..
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I had felt like i needed this to play games on my display that i now use for a PC i got from my sister, so i bought it. The obvious thing was that i had the HDMI ready, But i just needed to use the wifi to get it set up. Turns out that the only computer i could connect to was my uncle's. And my uncle lives in the basement and watches anime (Yes, i know thats what the usual weeaboo is. But my uncle doesn't know about that)

I got the problem fixed a few days after i had obtained my sister's old desktop computer, and the problem just so happens to have gotten fixed this morning!
I had already had the plan in mind for a couple of days before i actually got the old PC, and i have setup the Steam Link in the sunroon for the TV in there.

First of all, the quality is kinda messy. I actually used a powerline adapter to pull off my plan, so it must've been because of that. Though i do think its just the PC's streaming quality.
The resolution is also a bit off, but thats because of the TV itself.

In all, this is a product i would reccomend. If your not using your ethernet on the back of your computer for your internet and you have a WiFi card (Or a WiFi adapter) i would totally reccomend using ethernet because its better than using the dreaded WiFi with the thing, just make sure you have a power outlet near you with some powerline adapters and an ethernet cable in hand (Not the ethernet cable that comes with the steam link, another ethernet cable)

EDIT: Even though there is all this hate stirring around the Steam Link, its still an amazing product
EDIT 2: I'm having trouble on the bindings save thing, its mabye because of my power adapter
Опубликовано 31 июля 2016 г.. Отредактировано 3 августа 2016 г..
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20.4 ч. всего (1.9 ч. в момент написания)
A game about messing with your favorite characters, objects or even computers, but i wish it had gamepad support
Опубликовано 20 января 2016 г..
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5.5 ч. всего (1.5 ч. в момент написания)
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after the first time playing this, i liked the concept, i was finally happy in this world, were i felt that i was not being watched by something in the worlds of minecraft or blockland on singleplayer, i also like that TT games finally made a new engine instead of using that boring old engine in console games were they added a few changes each time they started working on a new game, this also renders real legos useless since there is now a game were you can build anything, i really reccomend this to people who saw herobrine in minecraft, because this game is where you cannot get stalked by something in the shadows, or feel like you are being stalked by renderman even though the mod is not on, now you try it, create your world, build anything without having to buy all these bricks, or models.

its all up to you, and your imagination is YOUR starting point.
Опубликовано 7 июня 2015 г..
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20.9 ч. всего (6.7 ч. в момент написания)
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this is a good game for laughs. tons of levels on the steam workshop (workshop is not availible yet) and its fun with everything in shape for a good game. totally recomend
Опубликовано 22 февраля 2014 г..
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