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182.7 hrs on record
Great PVP, but the PVE isn't as good as Dark Souls. Also, the lack of gravity makes it hard to kill hackers. Still recommend because the mechanics are good.
Posted 20 February, 2016.
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157.7 hrs on record (135.3 hrs at review time)
The appeal of Dark Souls is that they made a interconnected world where the first thing that is likely to happen to you is this...

Wait... Where am I? Why aren't these skeletons dying? Why aren't they taking any damage?

After hours I finally defeated that spooky triple mask boss... okay... now to continue...

It's so dark in here, how in the world do they expect you to... BLARGH!

Posted 20 February, 2016.
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73.9 hrs on record (18.9 hrs at review time)
You see, this game is like this...

You're an adventurer who managed to get past all of the horrible monsters in the beginning, and now you've gotten pretty strong and used to travelling. Most monsters are a breeze and nothing seems challenging at all.

One day, you casually walk up to a dragon... just another day... and you notice too late that it's actually a red star boss dragon. After one or two casual swings, you realized you carelessly placed yourself in a situation that you cannot escape. Death is inevitable...

All of those hours you spent arduously preparing materials, training your blade, and gathering new OP weapons along the way... all gone... in all but a blink of an eye.

That's this game.
Posted 20 February, 2016.
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195.3 hrs on record (107.9 hrs at review time)
Usagi = Rabbit
Peropero = Licking

We will not stop, we will not be silenced!
Posted 12 February, 2016.
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132.4 hrs on record (45.0 hrs at review time)
100% Orange Juice is a multiplayer gem that was developed years before this localized steam release by doujin company Orange Juice.

The game features steam integration and amazingly stable netplay. Ever since it's inception on steam, Fruitbat Factory has done well to continue to update the game, introduce events, and even add new features in like a chat window and costuming.

Since I own the original game back when it was first released, I can say the game has vastly improved since it's original release in Japan. Due to the massive improvements to the game, I can say that you won't regret purchasing this gem...

Until a bird RNG screws you over. Then some regret might occur...

Posted 10 January, 2016.
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9.5 hrs on record (4.0 hrs at review time)
Sora is a prequel to Suguri. The graphics have been amped up and the mechanics are much more smooth compared to it's predecesor.

The story, this time around, is about a time when Earth is in a state of perpetual war. Sora, a creation of war, is a new model sent out to defeat her enemies. Instead, however, she joins some scientists who wish to end the perpetual state of destruction of the planet to make the planet return to it's original luster.

In terms of difficulty, this game is not as hard as Suguri, but it is still quite challenging. I've played the Japanese version long ago and can recommend this game for anyone who enjoys fast paced shooter action. Getting used to that kind of gameplay can take some time, though.
Posted 5 January, 2016.
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35.8 hrs on record (35.2 hrs at review time)
I will shorten my review in one sentence that explains the entire game.

Do you think you are above consequences?
Posted 3 October, 2015.
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309.8 hrs on record (138.4 hrs at review time)
fault milestone 2: side above is half of a two part segment of fault milestone 2. The story includes deep emotional and philisophical themes, and it is neither kid friendly, nor overly violent. Characters act in realistic ways, and sometimes simple characters act in frustratingly simple ways. This, however, showcases the masterpiece of writing and directing on the author's part, and showcases the difference in complexity between our main heroes and the side characters.

You will read about disparity between rich and poor, discrimination, and even struggles of self-acceptance. The action scenes are top notch and the use of the 3d camera plugin for Renpy is superb.

* Immersive
* Deep philisophical themes
* action packed
* intriguing world
* realistic characters
* doesn't submerse itself in overused anime tropes
* the feels

* May seem a bit "anime" at times (since I know people are ocd about that stuff)
* violence?
* the art gets a bit... inconsistant at times (the "guild apprentice" has arms as big as his head for example)
* The feels
* the fact that the writer has a tendency to make awful cliffhangers that make you want for more, I hate you and you're going to keep doing this for every installment aren't you? You evil, evil, evil writer.
Posted 13 September, 2015.
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3.5 hrs on record (3.4 hrs at review time)
Planetarian is a commentary on the future of human kind. It is a work that is meant to entice our inner humanity towards ideas about war and peace. Planetarian uses juxtaposition in order to contrast the dirt and filth of war and hatred with the purity of human ideology. It is a harrowing reminder of the kind of world we could push ourselves into, and it is also a sign of hope that our world has yet to see such a terrible fate.

I was surprised to see that this version actually voices the junker and all of the other miscellaneous characters. The additional voices were fitting for the story, and managed to evoke emotions even more so than the first time I read through this.
Posted 29 July, 2015.
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166.4 hrs on record (25.5 hrs at review time)
Fault Milestone One is a story about a princess and a royal guardian trying to return home.

However, you will feel as you read the story, that the focus is not so much on the two themselves, but rather, the journey itself and the sense of adventure. If you were expecting a game that focuses on one overall plotline... much like how typical asian style drama shows do... then you may be a little disappointed. Instead, you should expect something more episodic, much like American drama shows like CSI. There is an underlying major plot, but the focus will be more about the subplot.

This is the only real "fault" of the storyline... that it is just the first part of the adventure. You may not feel strong attachments to the main characters as you read through it from beginning to end. This is a natural flaw of both good storytelling and releasing your work in a matter of series. Character development is slow, yet steady, as it should be. If this sort of thing bothers you, I would implore you to look at this series later when more episodes are released.

For those that don't mind, the intro of the game almost makes you expect that this will be a sort of generic JRPG stereotype. Beginning with all of these cute anime girls with their own quirks almost feels somewhat stereotypical. I almost expected that it would be the kind of game where every charcter is a girl... but I was pleasantly surprised when even that had an answer of it's own... Let me say this, the writer put a lot of effort into worldbuilding... the world itself is organic and full of life and complexity that far surpasses most current storylines I've seen to date. The last good well fleshed out world I've experienced was the Type-Moon universe... and that work is nearly ten or more years old. So how can I sum this up?

* Amazing music
* Complex and fleshed out world
* Emotional and thought provoking
* Not your typical generic story
* Focus is episodic oriented rather than saga oriented

* Only first part in an incomplete works
* May feel a little generic at the beginning of the game
* Focus is episodic oriented rather than saga oriented
Posted 24 July, 2015.
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