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Đánh giá gần đây bởi Rabbit Overlord

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Hiển thị 21-21 trong 21 mục
1 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
83.9 giờ được ghi nhận (44.5 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
The use of 3d movement with Renpi is absolutely superb. More than just using it for action shots, it really gave life to the interactions of the characters involved... especially one that I will not name.

The music is amazing, just as good if not better than the first game. The use of various techniques to tell the story, especially at the begninnig, is nothing short of innovative and mindblowing. I've seen other games use that particular technique to great effect... such as Eversion.

I hope nothing more than for the developers to continue to use such innovation in order to continue immersing ourselves in the adventures that will be to come. If you were worried that the sequel to Fault Milestone One would fall short, fear not. The main characters, indeed, become slowly more and more fleshed out as time goes on (for those who complained about the first game). You won't be disappointed.
Đăng ngày 24 Tháng 07, 2015.
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Hiển thị 21-21 trong 21 mục