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Publicada el 8 JUL 2023 a las 20:19

Do not be fooled by people saying this game is a generic jrpg. The game definitely starts with some common jrpg elements such as a childhood friend, amnesia, and an animal mascot guide. However, at the very beginning, I have never seen a jrpg story hook that starts with "and then the main character and his animal companion wanders through a seemingly endless forest for eight years."

I mostly watched my girlfriend play this game since she really wanted to play it after I beat the first boss of the game, but there were a lot of elements of this game I could appreciate even just watching. The storyline has a lot of subtle references and foreshadowing that don't seem significant, and then later it blows you away by showcasing them as central focal points of the story. Much like Dark Souls, even small tidbits of lore you find in pages on the ground such as gods, otherworldly beings, and concepts about the world become relevent to the story. You read about a god of war? You actually encounter said god in the story.

The way they present dialogue is also quite good and shows a particular attention to detail. The dialogue has natural slowdowns and pauses as if the characters are actually talking, and it feels incredibly natural to read. This takes a lot of time to attention to detail to perform itself considering how much dialogue is in the story.

It's sad to say, but it has been a long time since I've seen a story with main characters who genuinely try their best. I didn't see too much woe is me type of characterization while watching this game all the way past post game. The attitude of everyone is generally hopeful while still having moments of heart breaking despair throughout the storyline. There isn't any character in this story I was actively annoyed with, which is a feat because I typically find animal mascot companion characters extremely annoying (looking at you Paimon), but Karon ended up being one of the most endearing characters I genuinely cared about.

The gameplay is simple and easy to get into. There are many ways to optimize your character and instill growth from leveling up, the grow tree, balancing libra scales, equipment, mastery of equipment, customizing Karon skills, enhancing scale pans, enhancing equipment, setting scale boards, mastering/using different possession skills, and gaining new techniques. The game encourages you to use and collect every piece of equipment (except accessories) since mastering equipment grants you magic crystals to use more Karon skills or gives you a new Karon skill entirely. You can distribute your level up stats however you want and redistribute them however you wish very easily. Techniques you don't want to accidentally use can even be sealed temporarily.

I watched this game being played on Hell difficulty, and the beginning of the game is quite difficult but becomes more manageable as you continue playing. Enemies are not to be taken lightly on the hardest difficulty you can play when you start up the game, you can die typically within a few hits. However, there are a lot of systems in place to mitigate damage, but none of them are able to be used infinitely. The backdash has a cooldown, guard has a guard gauge you have to watch, some attacks can't be guarded, and possession skills have i-frames but aren't immune to status effects (unless you equip a very expensive Karon skill) and use ST. This game is not impossible on the hardest difficulties, but it is not easy. Only after gaining access to specific Karon skills that boost magic power was the game starting to reach the godlike game breaking power I'm used to from most jrpgs.

In the past, the game supposedly had a poor translation, however I only esperienced the game post translation edit patch. I must say, whatever bad translation was part of the game doesn't seem to be present. Occasionally I'll see the random grammatical error, but nothing that breaks the immersion of the game. If you are worried about this, don't be.

Atlibra Revision is an epic adventure game about a hero's journey with many twists and turns, as well as endearing characters. The gameplay is entertaining and easy to get into with many aspects of grinding to improve your power level. The grind is more of an equipment and item grind like Monster Hunter, the best kind of grinding. After fifty hours of gameplay, the game still isn't done yet. Recommended unless you don't like anime for some reason.
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