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Senaste recensioner av Quartz

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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
288.8 timmar totalt (76.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
The game is really fun especially when you and all your friend can get into the servers.

On Server Issues:

Now a lot of people are giving negative reviews due to server issues, and while this is fair, I feel like there is a deep misunderstanding of the game and its developers from a lot of these people. It seems most of them mark this game off as another broke on release. When the reality is, the servers and backend code were made with a significantly smaller player population in mind. The Dev team has 4 backend devs and they are continuing to scale the backend code to its limit to accommodate the larger then expected playerbase.

To give an idea of how big a jump in scale this is for the team, the first game peaked at around 10K players, where this game has exceeded that peak almost 45x that on Steam alone. Even if they had scaled the game expecting 10x the playerbase of their prior game it wouldn't have been enough. Ultimately what should be understood both before buying the game and leaving a negative review, is that the devs are actively trying to expand server capacity and the abilities of their backend code. Wait to buy the game until servers are fixed up, but when they are its a strong recommendation.

On Micro-transactions:

The premium currency is easily earned through gameplay if you actually take the time to look for Points of Interest, typically you can earn anywhere from 10 to 40 credits a mission. Also the prices aren't bad on any of the items, plus the free bond gives 750 credits out of the 1000 needed for the premium, which itself gives you 300 credits. Beyond this most of the weapons on the premium bond are mid, and the item shop seems to be rotating around which means you can save credits up to buy items from the shop without feeling like you are on a time limit. Overall I feel this is the best monetization in a game in a while in spite of the micro-transactions, mainly because I forget they are even there, the premium currency just feels like another currency I get from exploring.

On Gameplay:
The difficulty in this game scales very quickly and is heavily dependent on if you are playing solo or in a team. I have found the game to be fun in both scenarios, though your own results will vary based on your own skill level. The Bugs and The Automatons feel like two entirely different games on top of the divide between solo and team play, Bugs assault and swarm you overwhelming you in melee, while the Automatons are oppressive laying down rocket and laser fire with a mix of melee bots to keep you from sitting behind cover.

In terms of building your character, you have a variety of options from armor type and abilities, to load out, and finally your stratagems plus boosters. At the moment, I will say the variety of loadout is pretty limited, it feels pretty cut and dry which weapons are and aren't good, especially given we only have 3 secondaries, though I am sure this will be resolved in time. Armor is a bit more varied, having many different armor skills that give different buffs and choosing between light, medium, and heavy to balance out armor for speed. Stratagems have a lot more variety alongside being able to be improved through upgrading your super destroyer, It genuinely feels like I need to choose wisely every mission I load into with my stratagems, as what me and my teammates have access to can determine the results of a mission.

Once the server issues are resolved, I am sure the devs will get onto pushing out updates with new content, that seems to be the current plan given its a live service game and the confirmation of mechs coming to the game, so I expect this game to only get better with time especially since the studio isn't owned by a publisher or shareholders.
Upplagd 20 februari 2024.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
2,806.7 timmar totalt (1,204.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I want to have this games children. I would die for this game. I am dying for this game. This game has made up years of my life and has taken years of my life. I will live a shorter life because of this game, but I will live a more fulfilled one. Thank you Bungie, Thank you.

Now if I could direct everybody to my fanfic "The Guardians Descent (into the Drifter)" with an estimated release date of Q4 of 2022. (See Edit: 1/13/2023)

Edit: 7/20/2022 | I gilded Flamekeeper. I need Bungie to add more content or I will throw a fit on Twitter.

Edit: 8/28/2022 | I hate this game. I hate my life.

Edit: 1/13/2023 | I am sorry to say "The Guardians Descent (into the Drifter)" has been delayed. I will keep you all updated on the release date of my wonderful piece of art.

Edit: 12/4/2023 | First Off, No Update on "The Guardians Descent (into the Drifter)", Sad I know. Secondly I am actually playing the game again ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. thats crazy.
Upplagd 19 juli 2022. Senast ändrad 4 december 2023.
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95.3 timmar totalt (11.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
beatiful game has great controls great great gameplay 9000/10
Upplagd 28 juli 2015.
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