manferca1 12 JUL 2024 a las 18:05 
nice ravenn!!!! ggs!!!
fn1212 10 MAR 2024 a las 19:02 
trash refugee carried by your awful wifi
eZKops 5 SEP 2015 a las 14:41 
jeg elsker dig <3 <3 <3
wheresmysoul 11 ABR 2013 a las 9:34 
u slutty overpowered asian <3
Slize 28 NOV 2012 a las 8:13 
hey im a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ i got torchlight 2
Gertrude Stinkle 6 MAY 2011 a las 5:26 
its been ages, hope you are all good dude enjoy the summer
Sushi Overdose 23 MAR 2011 a las 15:28 
Sorry for not answering :p Here's my FB :
Sushi Overdose 21 ENE 2011 a las 9:14 
Hey Q, do you have a facebook page ? I'd like to speak about DK with you !
aim 25 DIC 2010 a las 11:54 
obviously not or youd be getting free games like me :)
merry christmas x
aim 23 DIC 2010 a las 3:34 
you don't have the looks, or the tits.
Jim Milton 21 DIC 2010 a las 2:16 
It's good.
Sushi Overdose 5 DIC 2010 a las 8:37 
Wow you got arrested ? I'll tell you if we come. Dude, Amsterdam is awesome but you need to go with some "safety friends" or you'll end up in so many weird places (+ you're stone 24/7). But it's reassuring to know there's a town like that in Europe ; when you need to take it easy for a moment, you just go there :p
Jim Milton 29 NOV 2010 a las 16:30 
Jim Milton 16 NOV 2010 a las 12:37 
We need to talk.
Sushi Overdose 7 NOV 2010 a las 3:15 
Hey Qu ; Been doing great, working a lot but traveling too, I went back to Norway and I went to Amsterdam too. You are not playing a lot too lately ? How are the DPI ? Hey, I might come to Aalborg in May for the carnival :)
Jim Milton 5 NOV 2010 a las 17:58 
Went there for shopping through Google Earth. Enjoyed it, and I'm living in Spain now. Cool story, isn't it?
Jim Milton 5 NOV 2010 a las 15:48 
I'm already too nice with you.
Jim Milton 3 NOV 2010 a las 14:16 
I suck if I feel like it. But I'm not in the mood actually. Unlike you: You suck by default.
Jim Milton 19 OCT 2010 a las 7:02 
You suck :P
Jim Milton 10 OCT 2010 a las 14:51 
DPI huh? Is that back?
Qu-nii-sama 3 OCT 2010 a las 11:19 
Someone gift me Dead Rising please and i be yours thankfully forever DEAD RISING 2 to me please
BoDyGuArD 6 SEP 2010 a las 14:13 
quuu van leeeeee!!!!!
Sushi Overdose 8 AGO 2010 a las 2:12 
What's up Quu ? Still getting your ass kicked on l4d ?
BLEAK 14 JUN 2010 a las 20:40 
qu ni is a v good and nice l4d gamer.... he just should stop playing with t2..butt someday he will know <3 (i love you)
TheMikeeee 5 FEB 2010 a las 12:56 
Sushi Overdose 29 SEP 2009 a las 3:14 
Qu-nii-sama 15 SEP 2009 a las 13:51 
Sorting out my friendlist players who have been unactive for more than a week ree add if you like :) + useless people
Gertrude Stinkle 8 AGO 2009 a las 11:37 
lol lots of boys on me?! you mean adding on here i hope rather than in a hoe way XD
dpi.Dr.House 6 AGO 2009 a las 10:18 
Not on steam thats for noobs like you do in real life so ma ciupami il cazzo Quu!! :D
dpi.Dr.House 5 AGO 2009 a las 13:10 
dpi.Dr.House 4 AGO 2009 a las 7:41 
I See more man boobs...
dpi.Dr.House 3 AGO 2009 a las 14:14 
I See man boobs...
Højgaard 24 JUL 2009 a las 7:05 
hehe (;
Højgaard 19 JUL 2009 a las 14:12 
hva så tykke (;
dpi.Dr.House 9 JUL 2009 a las 16:28 
Mr.PooPoo! :O
dpi.Dr.House 7 JUL 2009 a las 16:03 
He means that i aint playing all the time sumtime my lil sister plays xD
Gertrude Stinkle 23 JUN 2009 a las 4:50 
You are awesome and so sweet man! Put a massive smile on my face *hugs* and ill kick your ass at l4d next time ehehehe. Im glad i met u too dude, you're one of the sane people on steam! and generally one of the collest people ive ever met.
quu ftw!
Smudge 19 JUN 2009 a las 15:24 
funny as hell when you were arguing with that guy man haha!
Gertrude Stinkle 18 JUN 2009 a las 15:33 
quu u crazy man, random abuse XD play with me sometime
Qu-nii-sama 18 JUN 2009 a las 6:09 
Im cleaning out my friendlist, just add me again if you like to stay in contact :) and shaddup Sushi! :D
Sushi Overdose 17 JUN 2009 a las 10:40 
Too much stress dude. You need a good foot massage.
Qu-nii-sama 17 JUN 2009 a las 0:14 
Im lookin for skiled left 4 dead player, if you like to test your skills and teamwork add me on your list and hola me ;)
dpi.Dr.House 31 MAY 2009 a las 16:05 
Quuu is coowl + hes useless :D *hugs* for Quu
Qu-nii-sama 16 MAY 2009 a las 5:25 
Beautifull Josephine :P
76561197979233081 16 MAY 2009 a las 5:23 
Handsome Q :) :-*
New Balls On The Soup 16 MAY 2009 a las 3:21 
Q is cooool (H)
Gertrude Stinkle 5 MAY 2009 a las 2:31 
no man, pretty even on css.....u suck at glass maps tho!
TorbenIOrden 4 MAY 2009 a las 12:07 
Hehe skal du have bank i tekken? kom an ^^,
nat 3 MAY 2009 a las 15:33 
hehe, yeah a whole bunch of comments ;)
Gertrude Stinkle 1 MAY 2009 a las 6:28 
my internet fails!