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Senaste recensioner av Qrocks

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998.5 timmar totalt (622.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Let me start by saying I have played Rust since it was playable in your browser & it is truly insane to see how far the game has come from that point. I'm someone who for the longest time refused to switch over to current Rust and instead tried so hard to keep Rust Legacy alive and breathing, however, just a few years ago I finally folded and gave it a try and I was shocked! Facepunch had poured their hearts and souls into this game for years at this point, and just when I think the game is already beyond great, they add something new or make changes that actually strongly improve the flow of the game.

Rust is a STRONG recommend for any PC gamer out there, it's up there with the giants such as Counter-Strike at this point and it's well deserved, albeit, the game is one that is daunting to play as a Solo. I am aware there are Solo based servers but they heavily restrict alliances and making friends as you go, but when you play a normal Official Server on average people will chase you down even if you're just starting (naked). Playing with people, whether it be 2-8 can be a blast however and with all the various ways to gain scrap/mats nowadays you can easily get top tier loot and compete against the bigger clans. I do genuinely love getting into a Rust wipe every now and again, allowing it to consume the vast majority of my free time and you will find if you gave it a shot how insanely time consuming the game can be. Now that's referring to Official servers, there are tons and tons of modded/community based servers that allow for a more casual experience, even ranging from big team battles similar to Battlefield games, gun game like CS or CoD, Team Deathmatch and more!

Definitely a must buy for anybody on Steam in my honest opinion and worth spending some time in, the Devs love this game as the players do as well!
Upplagd 4 september 2022.
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68.3 timmar totalt (28.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Edit: The new map in Season 2 feels and plays great, it's honestly a map I don't mind playing 128 players on which is shocking as I used to stick with 64, while certain instances are very clearly copy pasted from previous maps, it's almost as if the original maps (*cough cough* Discarded) were just thrown together using assets they wanted to make these new maps with... goes to prove itself with the map improvements we've seen with Kaleidoscope, Orbital and Renewal, I think the game is getting better, and originally I recommended it those who had interest in playing if there was a sale or you really wanted to try it out, I think that goes for most games but I can happily say I enjoy it more now than I did when I initially wrote this review, and I'm very pleased with future announced changes coming in S3. Time will tell and show what can be done for the game but all in all I'm happy with where it is now!

I pre-ordered the Ultimate Edition, played the beta and had a lot of concerns, the game was totally unfinished at release and it's very apparent EA pushed DICE to release for the Holiday which is WRONG. The simple fact it took them 6 months to actually improve the game to the point it's nearing what it should've been at launch is bizarre, I wish it had a one year delay or even just released at this point, because I myself do find enjoyment in it now. Yes, there's still some bugs, yes it's still the same 2042 concept but it is immensely better after this update, and if you're a BF fan it definitely is in a much better place. Albeit, the lack of new content sucks, but considering it took them half a year to just fix everything wrong I'm certain we will see the start of the Year 1 pass this Summer.

As a verdict, if you bought it already and own it, I'd try it out again to see how you like it (as long as you liked the concept of the game before) but if you haven't bought it yet, I'd hold off either for more content or a sale. If the game does look good to you though don't allow me to stop you from getting it because I'm playing and I actually enjoy it finally. Hazard Zone (when you can find a lobby) with voice chat and a comprehensive team is soooo fun. Eager now to see what DICE does to make the game better.
Upplagd 24 april 2022. Senast ändrad 4 september 2022.
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54.6 timmar totalt (17.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
I bought this game on sale not expecting much, but quickly I found myself invested in producing a large self sustaining factory. The possibilities are endless as to what you can create in this. Think Subnautica above ground, and with conveyor belts, truly worth every penny!
Upplagd 4 december 2020.
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12.7 timmar totalt (5.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
If you've got a compatible VR, and don't own this game, do you really have VR??

The core fundamentals of the game are strong in it's own regard, but the community that builds from it, with custom content, the lobbies you join and the teamwork in game all make it incredible.

It's still early access and I had just gotten the game around a month ago, but I'm addicted and eager to spend more time trying out all of the available modes
Upplagd 4 december 2020.
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64.9 timmar totalt (37.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Being someone who originally preordered War Z way back in 2012 and actually really enjoyed it, I have very mixed opinions with New Z..

The biggest elephant in the room for War Z was HACKERS. Absolutely everywhere. New Z seems to have a very trusting Anti Cheat implementation, when even being a f2p game, I see remarkably less than in it's original counterpart.

New Z has taken the "fun" from War Z, fixed some dumb things, added other things some may hate or some may love, I personally find great fun in the game and periodically stop in to do some runs.

Don't judge this game based on War Z because it truly is something very different and honestly remarkable for what it is, I mean come on... It's a full f2p game in which there are almost little to no advantages for paying.

All in all, have had good and bad times with this series but after seeing the original War Z, going to Infestation SS and Aftermath, this is the best one. Only lacking a friendly player base which is not really the developers fault.

It's worth a try, what's absolute garbage to one, may be someone else's new found treasure.
Upplagd 22 mars 2018.
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0.8 timmar totalt
First of all, this game is currently .19 cents with trading cards worth .10 cents per card.. So in a sense you can EARN money from buying and playing this game or even letting it run in the background haha.
Now, onto the review.

I was honestly surprised with the product I received for the price it costed me. No, this isn't some great amazing AAA title, but with a few bugs and bad textures and weird settings, this game is pretty decent. I originally was going into it with the mindset I would uninstall if this game is bad but in no time I was on level 20 and I had played the game for 30+ minutes. This game is a traditional mouse trap type game where the ball spawns on one end of the map and you get a few items to get it to the other. Basic game, nothing noteworthy except the price, must buy at this price in my mind.

Traditional Mouse Trap type game
Overall pretty fun game

Bad Settings
Some ugly textures
Bad Graphics
Sometimes the physics are weird and do random things
Upplagd 17 maj 2015.
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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
37.6 timmar totalt (22.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
Would be much better if crafting times were adjusted and needed materials for big bases weren't so scarce. I could see myself get so addicted to playing the base game but all I do now is play the Survival Game against a bunch of people. This game mode is a great addition to the game and is a ton of fun right now.

Hunger Games like Survival game mode
Crafting works
Fluent PVP/PVE
The placement of buildings is good
Somewhat dynamic world

Long Crafting
Hard to get certain materials required for bigger bases (suggesting we have friends to work together to acquire but be serious, we don't have any friends)
Limited Selection of guns
Upplagd 17 maj 2015.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
882.9 timmar totalt (413.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Recension av CS:GO
Start Game
Win a few games
Get a case
Open said case
Get 7 cent skin
Re-install because you realize you're addicted.
Play countless games
Get a high rank
Play a hacker
Report said hacker
Re-install because you are still addicted
Play with people better than you and get carried
Get 2 dollar skin and feel good about yourself
Buy 25 cases
Buy 25 Keys
Lose 61 dollars
Trade up
Get a 21 cent skin
Say f-ck it, I'm never going to buy one more case
Waste 750 dollars on cases and keys
Realize what you are doing with your life and say its bad and you should change it but you never do
Play more
~~ A average day in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 10/10 Would Bang
Upplagd 17 maj 2015.
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29.3 timmar totalt (1.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
Great game, with a few bugs, keep in mind this is in alpha and will be getting updated and fixed
Upplagd 1 januari 2014.
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