PoseidonZombie   Bahamas
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V3NG34NC3 25 Dec, 2021 @ 6:34pm 
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year. It has been an honor to get to know such fine people over the years :exalted:. As we all wrap up the year i wish you all the best in your pursuit's in this new year & Blessings upon your Family. May your temps stay low and your Framerates High :cozytf2mug:
Chaewon 16 Aug, 2020 @ 12:44am 
Made you a video bud, hope you like! -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
Dankey Konga 14 Apr, 2017 @ 10:02am 
Aloha, you are very nice! #NiceShirt The first significant origination of ‘#niceshirt’ was in a video posted by YouTube critic Leafyishere in a video talking about recent YouTube drama. During the video he mentions spreading positive vibes, and goes to a video from PewDiePie to post a comment saying PewDiePie had a nice shirt.