extract, exploit, emit
Mike   Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Send me off with a bang lads
Kirjautunut ulos
1 pelikielto merkitty | Tietoa
1871 päivä(ä) viime kiellosta
tix 15.3.2023 klo 3.39 
always asks to play CS:GO but never accepts the invite
lilyc 7.8.2018 klo 23.52 
i_will_eat_you 21.6.2017 klo 3.28 
+ rep still a rand after all this time
Satan 15.3.2017 klo 2.35 
+rep Slays a few dragons here and there on a daily basis, not all heroes wear capes
Chuggy370 1.2.2017 klo 11.26 
CloZee the CloZeet cheater
heeb 20.12.2016 klo 23.05 
baby come back