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Évaluations récentes de Freekilling Heavy

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0.7 h en tout (0.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Fun asf best game very roccomnendead
Évaluation publiée le 25 novembre 2021. Dernière modification le 25 novembre 2021.
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1,347.5 h en tout (524.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
"This game is the best"
Is what i say but some people say "This game is ♥♥♥♥" i say there wrong.
You need to look at the bright side of this game no the bad side (bots)
Just look at it this way in this game you can liget throw milk at people you can hit people with fish and dont start me on the cosmetics you can either make the most whole some load-out or make the most cursed load-out i love this game i may not of had many items but i made do with what i had and even after over 3 years or not playing it this game is still amazing i may not play it much because i got a life now

time for the downsides
the bots are the worst they may not get to do much but when they do it is bad im talking about the chat spam i recently ran into a bot that could talk and it was not fun but they get kicked almost instantly so that is good
and for the second down side is there is no updates (yet) i have herd of updates and there is small updates all the time so that proves valve does do stuff with this game all we gotta do is wait because there will be a huge update in the future you can quote me on this

well this is all i got i wish you all well with gaming have fun
Évaluation publiée le 1 mars 2021.
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684.9 h en tout (684.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
after coming back to steam after 7 year i was really looking into playing this game considering i payed $10 for it and i loved it when it came out it was fun but the game got "slaughtered" after Jagex Updated it the so called "Update" killed the game i liked it how it was before the "Update" it was nothing that was a "Update" if anything it was a "DownGrade" it absolutely killed what the game once was it had a strategic approach to it witch made the game what it once a game with over 2 MILLION people playing it it was once called "MineCraft With Guns" because it was the year MineCraft "Exploded" many people loved the game back then when it came out. i still would play the game today if it was still available to play but the game has been shut down sadly(.

other games related to - Build & Shoot: https://www.buildandshoot.com/ Open Spades: https://openspades.yvt.jp/
Évaluation publiée le 6 décembre 2020.
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