Welcome to my profile.
Famous Quotes:

"I hate pears!" - The Doctor
"No, I am your father!" - Darth Vader
"Uuh.. No!" - Gabe Newell (GABEN!)
"Meh, Meh, Meh, Meh" - My former history teacher
"why would i want to see placenta" - PcmciaKai
"gotta go take a ♥♥♥♥" - Jackpody
"I ate a biscuit today. Tasted alright to be honest." - Jackpody
"black is painful to look at" - Cre8or
"bob i hate your voice" - PcmciaKai
"he's taking intensive masturbation lessons from KrypteK" - TrappingGull
"Veronica sounds like someone I'd pound in a shed." - Jackpody
"what a ♥♥♥♥" - Cocalol2
"though, most of our superadmins are ancient greek gods" - PcmciaKai
"I feel the urge to urge!" - Haaax & Phulax
"This is now on my bucket list, get on Phulax's quote wall" - Jonno
"An erection shoots through my Wo00000weweeewwwwodstove and eats 20 grandpas, before landing on Pluto." - KrypteK
"the chat is moving so fast nobody will see me say I'm gay" - Cre8or
"can i have sex with your badge" - Haaax
"then why would we see uranus" - PcmciaKai
"I think I can get it back up" - PcmciaKai
"I need to hump the boat to get to Haaax" - PcmciaKai

The rings of Urgekhaten speech:
"I walked away from the Last Great Urge War. I marked the passing of the Urge Lords. I saw the birth of the urge-iverse and I watched as urge ran out, moment by moment, until nothing remained. No urge. No Space. Just me. I walked in urge-iverses where the laws of urging were devised by the mind of a mad man! And I watched urge-iverses freeze and creations burn. I HAVE SEEN URGES YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE! I HAVE LOST URGES YOU WOULD NEVER UNDERSTAND!.. And I know things, urges that must never be told. Knowledge that must never be urged! Urges that will make parasite Gods blaze!" - Phulax, last of the Urge Lords.

Soma 7 ม.ค. @ 1: 04am 
Ahh mate! I'm so late!


Happy New Year! Hope 2025 is good to you!

Man 10 years, this is the year we get that catch up in haha
Soma 1 ม.ค. 2024 @ 7: 02am 
An age old tradition, Happy New Year mate!

Hope 2024 is good to you, and yes, I agree! 2024 is the year for a catch up haha

Take care mate!
T O Y O T A 5 มี.ค. 2023 @ 8: 45am 
Ate re koumbare oti theleis re
Soma 1 ม.ค. 2023 @ 1: 38pm 
Yooo Happy New Year pal! Lets make it a good one

We gotta catch up!
Soma 31 ธ.ค. 2021 @ 8: 06pm 
Well well well if it aint that time of year again, I miss ya buddy! We should try get a game going sometime!

I hope you had a lovely Christmas and have a great 2022. Let's catch up sometime!
Fr3ddy45 10 ต.ค. 2021 @ 4: 13am 
Hello Phulax, I create a server named "EvoCity" and I came across your map and I am interested in it would it be possible please to have the VMF with the materials of your map in order to modify some things that do not suit the style of the server. I am waiting for your answer.
[Map : ]

My Discord TAG: Ronald FazeReagan#9904

Regards Fr3ddy45 :gmod: