Topaz Queshi   Australia
did you know that q and queue sound exactly the same?
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4.3 Hours played
Remember, the System has a plan for everything... apart from time bending rebels, of course.

Imagine; the powers that be took away everything. Your right to write, your right to stay up and jump on the bed, even your darn shoes. Now I'm not sure about you, but if I had the know how to sneak around, was agile enough to go from a crouch to a full on four leg sprint under different surfaces, the tactical mind to pick between knocking out everyone around me or bestowing them mercy, and on top of all that the ability to manipulate time and space beyond belief, I would at least try to topple the ruling class to get my rights back.

Sneaker is a game that I've tried, to the best of my abilities, to follow for 4 years. I got to playtest the game, and even beat their dev level at the time, all on the grounds of AIE. Ever since that day, I was fascinated by this game that was able to capture the fun aspect of sneaking without being a horror game, or a third person tactical espionage game. The game had the exact same vision I saw in AIE, a sneaky sneaking game with a cartoon-like presence.

And though I had the chance to play this game about 4 times over the course of 4 years, my unbiased opinion of the game stays the same; and that's it's an amazing game that's more than worth your time.

However, it should be noted that at this time (1st of November, 2019 AEST), there's a bug that occurs at random in the game where it will crash your game unexpectedly. It's unsure to myself if this is because of Unity itself or something in-game is causing the crash, but due to how the game handles saving you'll see yourself playing the same level from start to finish all over again. This can be very tiresome towards the later levels.

But please don't let the bug discourage you from trying out the game, it preforms excellently and the controls are solid enough that you won't see yourself slipping up unless it was a human error. I, personally, can't recommend this game enough.
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Creative Username 4 Jan @ 1:54am 
Don't start your car tomorrow
[UPRPRC] Eric ♋ 24 Dec, 2024 @ 10:42am 
Merry Christmas to Patrya, and Happy New Year to you.^^
I wish that everything may go as you wish.^^
And I wish you can be healthy, be happy every day in the new year.^^:zblanc::rbrbr1::CyberdimensionRam:
[UPRPRC] Eric ♋ 24 Dec, 2023 @ 4:29am 
Merry Christmas to Patrya, and Happy New Year to you.^^
I wish that everything may go as you wish.^^
And I wish you can be healthy, be happy every day in the new year.^^:zblanc::rbrbr1::CyberdimensionRam:
[UPRPRC] Eric ♋ 24 Dec, 2022 @ 9:08am 
Merry Christmas to Patrya, and Happy New Year to you.^^
I wish that everything may go as you wish.^^
And I wish you can be healthy, be happy every day in the new year.^^:zblanc::rbrbr1::CyberdimensionRam:
[UPRPRC] Eric ♋ 23 Dec, 2021 @ 11:08pm 
Merry Christmas to Patrya.^^:rbrbr1::rbrbr3::CyberdimensionRam:
[UPRPRC] Eric ♋ 31 Dec, 2020 @ 11:36pm 
Happy New Year to Patrya.^^:rbrbr1::rbrbr3::CyberdimensionRam:
I wish that everything may go as you wish.^^:rbrbr1::rbrbr3::CyberdimensionRam:
And I wish you can be healthy, be happy every day in the new year.^^:rbrbr1::rbrbr3::CyberdimensionRam: