GSHunter 15 tuntia sitten 
You're last on scoreboard so you're going to die in Ukraine in the first hour, have fun and enjoy
↫ ʰᵉᵛ-➃ᵒ ↬ 15 tuntia sitten 
-rep toxic German ♥♥♥♥♥♥
GSHunter 6.11. klo 0.32 
you too
www.youtube.com/@EXTREMEXX 6.11. klo 0.32 
u r ugly af
GSHunter 6.11. klo 0.30 
youre poor dont talk to me
www.youtube.com/@EXTREMEXX 6.11. klo 0.24 
i win you lose. and also u r racist.
GSHunter 5.11. klo 4.33 
Afk and still better in stats then most of my team think again who trolls XD
nekřivej doly 5.11. klo 4.30 
go kiss fu**ing troll
史提芬 5.11. klo 4.30 
0iq player
GSHunter 31.10. klo 17.54 
For kiss dm me I am dead serious
Raspberry 31.10. klo 16.47 
!!PleaseCleanMyteeth!! 31.10. klo 13.37 
Nights watch, your mother fox like a bot. Takes 3 hours to come, does nothing only receives. You mader chod.
NIGHT'S WATCH 23.10. klo 9.32 
use wall hack XD big boosted bot
GSHunter 20.10. klo 11.27 
!!PleaseCleanMyteeth!! 20.10. klo 9.02 
@rebull you rushan ♥♥♥♥
!!PleaseCleanMyteeth!! 18.10. klo 23.25 
Russen Hoore
GSHunter 18.10. klo 21.39 
Geh Optikfaser legen in Kasachstan, vielleicht hat das Land dann mal eine Geschichte zu bieten XD
PL-redbull verleiht flügel 18.10. klo 21.33 
!!PleaseCleanMyteeth!! 16.10. klo 4.13 
GSHunter, aka Mennowin Hermann. Adolf-Hübnerstraße 4. 50665 Mönchen, DE.
turbaN 1.10. klo 12.55 
GSHunter 1.10. klo 12.36 
Deine Mutter hat nen Darmriss bekommen von mir LG
turbaN 1.10. klo 11.08 
was ist dein problem du hobbyarschficker?
GSHunter 30.9. klo 16.33 
die machen fortnite tanz auf dem grab deiner eltern
DerDodo 30.9. klo 16.30 
ich hoffe deine familie fährt gegen die wand :)
GSHunter 30.9. klo 12.24 
suck my balls
Taugrel 30.9. klo 11.59 
let's synergize in-game
❀ねじ #17 RIPX 17.9. klo 22.52 
stupid freak
PERCOCET 7.9. klo 17.02 
-rep kills teammates#
Pigeon Opezdol 5.9. klo 13.54 
XD cry more muslim XD
GSHunter 5.9. klo 12.38 
All the same Ivan
Pigeon Opezdol 5.9. klo 12.24 
I'm not Russian to be Ivan, Mohammed)
GSHunter 5.9. klo 12.13 
Ok Ivan, see you on goregrish
Pigeon Opezdol 5.9. klo 12.11 
listen less to Russian propaganda :D
GSHunter 5.9. klo 11.29 
Yet you lost atleast 2/4 of all ukrainian man, try to rebuild your country
Pigeon Opezdol 5.9. klo 10.15 
What? XD You don't need to tell me about Ukrainian lineages. It's not me who has Muslim migrants making up one-third of the country XD.
GSHunter 5.9. klo 9.18 
Haha go ahead, the ukrainian bloodline doesn't even exist anymore so you're on your own
Pigeon Opezdol 5.9. klo 8.51 
I’ll graduate from the military academy and go to liberate Germany from people like you. Muslims and other wickedness
GSHunter 5.9. klo 8.43 
go fight in ukraine instead of playing cs
Pigeon Opezdol 5.9. klo 8.38 
EVIL Wizard Templar†† 27.8. klo 20.58 
thank u
GSHunter 27.8. klo 4.57 
It should be Combat Text (B40+B41)
EVIL Wizard Templar†† 27.8. klo 3.40 
wow you have alot of mods but i cant seem to find it do you remember the name?
EVIL Wizard Templar†† 27.8. klo 3.37 
thank you
GSHunter 27.8. klo 2.24 
EVIL Wizard Templar†† 26.8. klo 20.53 
what project zomboid mod do you use? the one that shows healthbars on zombies?
ALK 20.8. klo 15.43 
So close vac i stay
!!PleaseCleanMyteeth!! 14.8. klo 13.49 
Kallee, hör auf. Ich spiele jedes Mal mit ihm, er hat mich jedes mal gecarried, das könntest du nie im Traum mit deinem Mod menü den Ganzen Tag. Ich hab auch mal mit dir gezockt, ist auch alles schon gemeldet viel Spaß mit VAC Ban.
!!PleaseCleanMyteeth!! 14.8. klo 13.47 
Says the guy with anime pic.
Durkio 14.8. klo 10.50 
GSHunter 14.8. klo 10.27 
♥♥♥♥ ap ALK you loser I best play