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Senaste recensioner av Pablocyou

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35.6 timmar totalt (31.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Going through the swamps, loaded with loot. Got a broken Saiga-12 i found and wanted to keep to repair and tune for future use, and a G36 with a extended mag attachment i found, and wanted to keep in my stash as my go-to 5.56 rifle.

Can barely run, when i hear a Chimera nearby. I run as fast as possible, chugging down energy drinks and water as i know i don't have the ammo for it. No choice but to run.

Then, as I near the Clear Sky base, an emission begins. No warning, only the wind and storm getting worse.

As I find myself in the middle of the swamps, there is no shelter nearby. No choice but to push further into the base.

There happens to be a shelter as I enter, I quickly take refuge inside and wait the emission out.

As I emerge from the depths, I begin to search through the wrecked remains of the base, and find an RPG-7. I take it as a prize and begin to make my way home to the Skadovsk...

Nearing the border of the swamps, I am suddenly attacked by numerous zombies, so i pull out my MP5 and unload half a mag before it goes *clunck*. It jams.

I switch to my SPAS-12 and unload on the zombie group to thin out their numbers, only for them to return fire and force me to take cover behind a tree.

As the final two zombies encroach upon me, and left with a jammed SMG and no shells, i draw my PM and dome both of them. My trusty pistol saved my life.

For me, Stalker 2 is my GOTY. This sequence of events was completely unscripted, and the game had me rely on my knowledge and skills from the older entries to survive. As always, the swamps proved deadly, same as I remember them being.
Upplagd 12 januari.
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Ingen har angett att denna recension är hjälpsam ännu
48.2 timmar totalt (20.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Upplagd 8 september 2024.
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12 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
4 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
40.7 timmar totalt (37.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
alabarda +15 enjoyer
Upplagd 3 april 2024.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
17.3 timmar totalt
Eye of Horus > Mood Matrix
Runs great on Deck
Upplagd 15 mars 2024. Senast ändrad 22 mars 2024.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
89.1 timmar totalt
Given the amount of Elemental and Explosive mines Larian Studios have placed in this game, I would not be surprised if they were the ones who land mined Cambodia at this point
Upplagd 14 mars 2023.
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21 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
3.1 timmar totalt
no sabía que en la segunda guerra mundial todos iban con fusiles de asalto

Si vienes de Bf1, vas a encontrar un juego mucho peor.
Y si vienes de Bf4... pues también...

Quédate con el 4 y el 1 para un shooter moderno y de las GGMM.
Upplagd 17 december 2021.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
25.4 timmar totalt (21.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Si alguna vez has querido jugar las campañas de Half-Life, Opposing Force o Blue Shift con tus amigos, éste es el juego a descargar. Completamente gratis, sin ningún problema.

Además, hay un mod que te deja ponerte las armas del Counter-Strike 1.6 en los mapas de la compaña (o en cualquier mapa)
Y meten cada sopapo...

MUY divertido y GRATIS. (Tmb hay mapas especiales para jugar, tipo de CTF y tal)
Upplagd 20 augusti 2021.
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49 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
10 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
131.7 timmar totalt (131.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Todavía no me creo que en 2021 este juego haya envejecido tan mal y tan bien a la vez.
Mal en el sentido de que la gente es más fea que pegarle a un padre, y que no es precisamente el juego más estable del mercado, o con la mejor dificultad. Pero mentiría si dijese que en estos 14 años no le he pegado más de 300 horas entre distintas partidas, mods y Nehrim.

Haceos un favor y en vez de esperar al TES 6, comprad esto y jugadlo. Y luego lo petais a mods de gráficos y me decís.

Recordad siempre que TODOS los juegos de Bethesda se pueden arreglar con mods. Excepto Fallout 76.
Upplagd 20 augusti 2021.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
14 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
76.1 timmar totalt (3.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
He esperado desde la salida del original en 2015 para jugar esta pedazo de obra maestra, y ayer ocurrió un MILAGRO: que esto saliese en Steam, para PC, y en INGLÉS.

Upplagd 28 juli 2021.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
0.2 timmar totalt
This version crashes for me, but that may be because of my weird Steam installation(I have Steam installed on a partition from one drive, then games on another two drives) or just because it's Oblivion, and we all know how much Oblivion likes to crash.

Nontheless, I'm playing right now the original version as a mod for Oblivion (from the SureAI webpage), and that one works just fine. Overall I must say that I'm loving what I see from the mod at this point, and don't mind at all the weird gothic-fantasy like aesthetic, or the German VA. In fact, I think it fits great with the game itself.

Will report back with an update as soon as I finish the main quest. I am uploading my travels in the form of uncut videos here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4NDu7PsA3gkhgNVbe0kN7TbAVs34q1d2
Using the English translation and the SureAI webpage version of Nehrim, stock, no other mods. It works just fine, and I want to get some positive feedback in here for the mod itself, not this version.

I truly think it to be worth the time and effort to go out of the way to enjoy what is sure to be a great mod with a lot of hours to put in while enjoying the great atmosphere it provides.

EDIT: Just finished the Main Quest and I must say that I was thoroughly surprised, the latter part of the plot is very intelligently written, and boy have I enjoyed it every minute. Apart from the usual crashes and constant saving, I'd say that I had a great time playing it for the first time, over 40 hours of gameplay assured.
Upplagd 22 juni 2020. Senast ändrad 4 juli 2020.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
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