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222 Hours played
A format that's a broken combination of the OCG and TCG's banlist seems fun at first, but then it wears off after 5 months and Konami releases a banlist that does nothing to the meta game. It wears off even quicker when you realize that they also keep releasing more and more powerful cards from sets such as Burst of Destiny and The Grand Creators alongside the one singular banlist update they've done and you see that they just don't care to fix this as decks that aim to go first and set up a Scythe lock with 3 disruptions on top of that become more and more common. And to top it all off, only 2 of the events have been fun in any capacity, because Eldlich and True Draco decks keep making their way into those Festivals, going against the spirit of them and just breaking the want to play the event. Alongside a horrid monetization model, you shouldn't play this. You're better off playing Duel Links if you're looking for a fun Yu-Gi-Oh! experience.

TL;DR this game sucks in 5 different ways, ban predaplant verte anaconda, artifact scythe, and mecha phantom beast auroradon or crystron halqifibrax

7/21/23: Well, we're still behind almost a year in regards to most cards being in the game, but they did ban halq a little bit ago, which was nice. Master Duel will not open now after latest update though, which is a very unique choice to add to this game. If you ever wanted an excuse to just play like. Duel Links or the actual TCG itself instead of this, this is probably the best it's gonna get.