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Ulasan terkini oleh Major

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Tercatat 197.9 jam (Telah dimainkan 96.9 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
8.5/10 Easily one of my favorite games I have ever played. Exploring the map was cool, most if not all the side quests were fun, and the amount of customization when it comes to weapons, skills, and summons is astronomical. Going to bosses, looking at their skillset, and adjusting your ashes and weapon affinities makes the game much more rewarding to learn. That being said, I do have some glaring gripes with the game.
For starters, the game tends to lose frames in certain areas, often crashes, or even freezes for split seconds; often and annoyingly in bosses (including the final one). Second, much of the game is reused or follows the same formula. Reach a cave/camp/castle, clear the area, find an item, and fight a boss. On top of that, music, arenas, and even the bosses themselves tend to be reused over and over again. Lastly, the bosses tend to have a huge difficulty gap between them. Average bosses are very telegraphed and easy to deal with while the challenging bosses are frustratingly so; often being hyper aggressive and leaving no room to heal. (Unless you use mimic tear or any other renowned ashe because they are broken)
Diposting pada 17 Maret 2022.
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