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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
0.3 h registradas
Wish I hadn't bought this over Humble so I could refund. I absolutely love the style, the presentation is great in every aspect with a great art style and pumping electric music and the game feels incredibly "fluid" to play.

But even after just 6 levels it feels not only like the shtick is getting already old, but also frustrating. Even the first enemies can basically insta kill you and while the screenshots portray a very different picture, enemies are not nearly distinct enough from their enviroments for such a fast paced shooter to make them out immediately. They also attack basically instantly once a door opens. It's a game that clearly is designed to go fast, but forces you to go slow because if you just storm a room you are already dead.
Publicada el 5 de diciembre.
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53.9 h registradas
It's a bit of an oddity to have gameplay with no enemies and almost no threats. You just collect materials and build stuff that drives the terraforming forward. Very chill and relaxing, the ideal game to have a YouTube video on the second screen going on while still making good progress. It's also a game the dev very clearly cares a lot about, adding things in ever since again and again.

Really the only negative I have is that the further you get in, the more progress slows down. Which, on the one hand, makes sense, but is also the reason I ultimately didn't roll credits. It feels like a mobile f2p game, except there are no MTX to speed it up. By the end of it my gameplay was really just mostly waiting around because I didn't need to collect any more materials, I had big storage units full of most stuff, but also the numbers craaaaaawl only upwards. I think a bit of rebalancing what buildings give how many "points" would be a good idea. But I still got over 50 hours of playtime out of it and enjoyed those 50+ hours a lot.
Publicada el 28 de noviembre.
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34.4 h registradas (34.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
It's great third person shooter (if you have friends, you WILL have trouble solo-ing it) with good design and fun mechanics. Actually requires you to work together as a team instead of being just a game where the players are basically just a group blasting through enemies, but everybody does more or less his own thing.
I also really love about this game that I don't have to tie my Steam account to a service that gets notoriously hacked and has huge data breachers. Well done, Arrowhead.
Publicada el 3 de mayo. Última edición: 6 de mayo.
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5.6 h registradas
I absolutely loved this game, but I think it markets itself quite wrong and much to it's own detrement.

This thing is quite "light" on gameplay. Most of your 5-6 hours you will spend reading text and interacting with each item in a room so the next dialogue triggers. You have a few "dodge the monster"-sequeneces, a few rhythm game sequences and very few unique things like the chess puzzle, which you can see in the screenshots. It's not really an action game, I would even argue it's not really a puzzle game because at almost no point do you have to think about the solution. They really don't "require consideration, responsiveness and coordination", they are not in the least "cryptic" and if you think of "confronting enemies" in any "fight"-sense, you are far off. Without any negative conotation meant: it's far closer to an interactive story/experience. People wouldn't call a Telltale game an action game because it has the odd QTE in it either.

But the story Decarnation tells is absolutely fantastic. It's far more grounded in reality than the storepage might make you think, you get a stellar written, very cerebral Psychothriller here that deals incredibly well with a lot of mature topics. This is the kind of writing that keeps you going for "just five more minutes" and before you realize it an hour has passed.
The pixelart is also great, especially when it comes to "monster"-design and their animations and it only elevates what is already a very good story. And while, sure, you can say "Oh this-or-that looks kinda Silent Hill-ish", I also don't think the game does itself any favors with that comparison - because the whole thing is more than strong enough to stand on it's own. Not only in terms of writing, but also in terms of the visuals that go along with it.

I hope more people give Decarnation a chance, but I also hope the dev updates the store page to more accurately reflect what people are going to get here. I firmly believe there is a market for these kinds of games, but I think these players might not realize this might be for them. On the flipside, I could easily see someone expect something much different from this game and then end up disappointed so much from a gameplay perspective, that they might just abort/refund the game. And I want this to sell more copies, I want more people to experience this.

If you don't mind a REALLY dark story, if you don't mind a game that is light on gameplay (and challenge), definitely give it a chance.
Publicada el 9 de enero.
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7.4 h registradas
I want to write a review for this because I think it deserves more and reviews help push the game in the aglorhythm. If you just want the tl;dr - it's a diamond in the (sometimes very) rough, but a diamond nonetheless. Get it at a discount.

For everything this game does well, it also does something meh. Or sometimes even bad. First off, Blacktail delivers a world unlike any other I have ever seen. It's creative, it's colorful, it looks pretty amazing for the most part and has quite a few creatures unique in design. The hand drawn cutscenes are also beautiful to look at. All the voice actors are well cast and the soundtrack, especially the songs with female choir like vocals, are amazing and almost of Wticher 3 quality. For having only a bow as a weapon the combat feels good, the bow is intuitive to use and the game gives you a clear indicator when you will hit something/something is even hittable in the first place or not. And while it has a quite simple, binary morality system, it is very interesting to see how it was implemented. Even getting just basic resources can mean an evil or good action. Do you shoot a beehive down for some honey? Do you free a captured bird or shoot it because it's an easy target and you need the feathers? It takes into account far more than just some dialogue options which is really neat and I would like more games to do.

But then come the rough edges and I think most of them stem simply from this being the first game by this studio. The open world feels almost implemented just for having an open world, because exploring it often times yields nothing but basic materials. I'll also be quite honest... I did not care for the sidequests. I did some in spring, but after that I just ignored them completely. Many mechanics are also not or improperly explained. The game told me that I can plug enemy spawners with honey arrows... in the very last part of the game, beyond the point of no return. That knowledge would have been QUITE useful beforehand. Yaga would slower suddenly sometimes in combat. I don't know why, it wasn't like with the snail enemies that slow you down and you get an indicator for that status effect, it was almost like an invisible stamine bar that sometimes ran out.
Danger indicators are basically non existent and I had quite a few deaths where I simply did not know what kileld me. I just dropped dead. Some types of enemies can be very tough to spot, depending on the terrain. The voice actos are good, but then use modern terminology sometimes that feels completely out of place. The skill tree was also infuriating, because for most skills you need a specific book page to unlock it. Where those book pages are - your guess. It makes specifically going for certain skills impossible. And while the bow is fun to use, having only three kinds of ammo (one of which basically just being a "slow down" arrow) makes it quite repetitive. I could feed fish to that thing near the hut, but I never really understood what it was even for. And whiel the morality system is neat and all, you'd have to be some kind of maniac to make certain evil decisions. It would feel not only out of place to side with evil in many cases, but just plain dumb.

For every piece of light there is some shadow. I think it's still worth playing because I don't think there is anything else quite like it. And if you go for unlocking all skills or doing mor sidequests you can easily get more playtime out of it than I did. But buy it a discount. 30 bucks is quite steep considering all the flaws here. But I sure hope those guys keep at it, get more experience, and deliver more rounded experiences in the future.
Publicada el 7 de enero.
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0.8 h registradas
Yeah sorry no. I guess with the price of a pack of smokes it's hard to argue, but the wasted potential is huge.
First off: the game looks very nice, the atmosphere is great, it's just as claustrophobic as real Kowloon probably was. But in the end this is a walking sim with no NPCs (except for one dog) whatsoever, 4-5 jumpscares and a 10 second chase sequence - which also happens to be the only place you can die and is really not well done. Due to the lighting in the chase it's hard to see where you are supposed to go and all of a sudden you run A LOT faster than in the rest of the game. You will find only shreds of a story and what is there feels more like a mix of social commentary on the demolition of actual Kowloon city and an urban legend. And it's all over in an hour.

If you scare easily you might get something out of this. But only then.
Publicada el 6 de diciembre de 2023.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
15.5 h registradas (15.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Turbo Overkill is probably a better Doom 2016 sequel than Doom Eternal.
In terms of formula, it's basically the same. Dash/jump/run around arenas and kill things, move on. But it's rare to find a game THIS carefully and what feels like intentionally made. Both difficulty and the options given to the player escalate slowly and almost until the very end. Be it new weapons, other abilities or augments for the player. And when you get the feelings things might get scale, the game throws something new at you like a (also very well done) vehicle level. The game stays fresh from start to finish and it's all killer and no filler. Both soundtrack and voice acting are stellar, especially Gianni Matragano and Jon St. John who might have done the best job of his career so far.

Negatives would be nitpicks. One or two fights felt like unusual difficulty spikes in the curve. One fight especially took place in a room that felt far too small for it (alhtough I think that was intentional). Some arenas provide you with power ups which I sometimes overlooked. They weren't really hidden, just not placed right in front of you and when you enter an arena and the battle starts you don't really have much time to look around, except for the most obviously placed items. The big spider-like enemies with TVs for heads have a rocket attack that can be easily dodged if isolated (not so much in a frantic fight), but I felt it hits way too hard if it hits. And sometimes, albeit rarely, I had a problem finding my way going on... but never longer for like 30 seconds.

Overall though it was just a stellar game, crafted and realized by VERY talented, skilled people.
Publicada el 29 de noviembre de 2023.
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18.4 h registradas
It's certainly not a Triple A game, but the amount of things in this game sure are surprising. There is tons of sidecontent, some certainly more for a "roleplaying" aspect because it involves little gameplay or challenge (writing tickets) and you can certainly see some of the corners that were cut (NPC animations, especially when idle - basically just one boss but that one gets recycled etc). But it plays very well overall.
But damn these guys actually gave a f**k about the IP with lots of throwbacks to the movies and whoever thought we'd get a good Robocop in 2023?
Publicada el 21 de noviembre de 2023.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
11.5 h registradas
I'll keep this review as succinct and at the same as positive as it can possibly be:

It's a worthy sequel
Publicada el 11 de enero de 2023.
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9.4 h registradas
Best relaxing game I had since Animal Crossing
Publicada el 23 de noviembre de 2022.
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