Ony   Ohio, United States
I'm Onychaos but you can call me Ony or Sonik. :SonicManiaSonic: :scCatgirl: :hcs_lillian: :amyWhat: :hcs_nikki::hcs_lailani:
Currently Offline
About me
1. My name is Onychaos but you can call me Ony or Sonik. I am a game dev (apps and games here) [onychaos.itch.io] using Clickteam fusion 2.5(+).
2. I like vidya games and fun times :amyWhat:
3. I like to blog
4. I like to chat with friends
5. I am a big fan of Princess Daisy :hcs_lillian:
6. I'm shy and I tend to keep to myself.
7. I'm a He/Him if you are wondering.
8. I like lewd things and being a furry degenerate. You've been warned! :SonicManiaSonic:
9.I use discord a lot. Here is my discord username: OnyChaos :rubiWink:

About trading
I will trade cards and stuff but with close friends and people, I know and are comfortable around. I don’t trade with random strangers, Sorry. :scKnight:

:SonicManiaSonic:My Blog: Ony's chaos realm [onychaos.wordpress.com]

:amyWhat: My bluesky: onychaos [bsky.app]

:rubiWink: My YouTube channel: Sonikmage

:viRage: My Twitch.tv: ChaosOny [www.twitch.tv]
Favorite Game
Hours played
Review Showcase
21 Hours played
I came into this game thinking it was going to be a mistake, since the only bullet-hell I really played was TS Mario and Terraria Tmod calamity's infernum. At first, I did not like how the game felt, then my own fairy Ribbon named the “TheGigaBrain” helped make the adventure better, and then I fell in love with the game and the characters a few hours in. And the music is amazing. I have only played the base game on livestream, but I can say that Rabi-Ribi is a great game you should play. It is hard, but it is very fun.

My blog post about the game is here. :3 [onychaos.wordpress.com]
Screenshot Showcase
Sonic Generations
Video Showcase
You can drown twice in Sonic 1 Origins time attack
Rarest Achievement Showcase