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17.9 часа през последните две седмици / 1,633.0 изиграни часа (1,000.5 часа по време на рецензията)
Публикувани: 3 ноем. 2018 в 9:12
Обновени: 21 май 2024 в 7:23

Polski Jezyk
Gram w ta gre pare lat z przerwami wiec czemu nie dac opinii.Gra majaca lada chwila 13 lat w czerwcu tego roku (2024) o to co sadze
PS.Pisze Druga recenzje na temat tej gry:
- Gra w ktorej mozesz zdobyc free hat do team fortess 2
- Gra nostalgiczna majaca swoj klimat
- W miare duzy wybor arsenalu ( Zbroje,Helmy,Miecze,Pistolety,Tarcze,Bomby itp)
- Duzy wybor misji dla nowych graczy (kampania) [Dla weterana ktory zna tajniki gry to ino pare tygodni zeby miec vanguarda range]
- Dobra fabuła gry
- W miare duza spolecznosc ktora gra jeszcze
- W miare duzy wybor akcesoriow / kosmetycznych ubran (do kupienia w auction house)
- Dla poczatkujacego gracza ktory bedzie musial robic 4 gwiazdy bron / arsenał oraz 5 gwiazd bronie / arsenal to moze byc udreka robiac go (zbieranie orb alchemi)
- Cena receptur / zwoji broni itp są przesadzone
- Czasem spoceni gracze ktorzy speedrun'uja vanaduke'a (jesli nie skipujesz depth 24 to zazwyczaj jestes wyrzucany).Sa takze toksyczni,egoistyczni
- Grze przydalo sie wiecej misji oraz broni z nowa mechanika (wedlug mnie jako osoba ktora ma ponad 1k godzin i zna tajniki gry)
Gra u mnie w moim przypadku ma mieszana opinie ale uwazam ze ma jeszcze szanse zablysnac tylko ze tworcy gry maja ja w trzech literach.Wiec ma sentyment ale community tej gry czasem przeraza poziomem egoizmu, narcyzmu
ocena: naciagane 6.5/10
English Language:
I've been playing this game on and off for a few years, so why not give me an opinion. The game is about to turn 13 in June this year, what do I think?
PS. I am writing a second review about this game:
- A game in which you can get a free hat for Team Fortess 2
- A nostalgic game with its own atmosphere
- A relatively large selection of arsenal (Armor, Helmets, Swords, Pistols, Shields, Bombs, etc.)
- A large selection of missions for new players (campaign) [For a veteran who knows the secrets of the game, it only takes a few weeks to have vanguard range]
- Good game plot
- A relatively large community that still plays
- A fairly large selection of accessories/cosmetic clothes (available at the auction house)
- For a beginner player who will have to make 4 star weapons/arsenal and 5 star weapons/arsenal, it may be a pain to do it (collecting alchemy orbs)
- Price for recipes for weapons etc are so overpriced / sick prices
- Sometimes sweaty players who speedrun vanaduke (if you don't skip depth 24 you usually get kicked). They are also toxic, selfish
- The game needed more missions and weapons with new mechanics (according to me as a person who has over 1k hours and knows the secrets of the game)
In my case, the game has mixed opinions, but I think it still has a chance to shine, but the creators of the game have it in three letters. So it has sentiment, but the community of this game is sometimes horrified by the level of selfishness and narcissism
rating: far-fetched 6.5/10 rate
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