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Đánh giá gần đây bởi Octave Doct0r

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70.1 giờ được ghi nhận (44.3 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Brilliant game that makes full use of all its assets. The art design is simple but very well polished; the atmosphere and music is just immersive to say the least; and the puzzle design itself is intuitive and finely tuned to that level of not obvious, but not entirely frustrating, at least for my experience. While the story is ambiguous, I love the subtle clues that can be picked up from the backgrounds, textures, etc. It leaves just enough room in your mind to fill in the gaps for yourself, making this game feel more personal through interpretation.

It's as engaging and as fun as any puzzle side-scroller you'll ever find. Buy it.
Đăng ngày 7 Tháng 11, 2019.
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