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Recente recensies door Moxn

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5,796.1 uur in totaal (3,468.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
For over 7 years this Game has not disappointed yet. I salute you and your minions that keep you running, you get a 5 star rating from me or whatever is equivalent to rewards keep it up, I see warframe taking over the world in the future.

Geplaatst 2 april 2020.
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Niemand heeft deze recensie tot nu toe als nuttig gemarkeerd
894.5 uur in totaal (724.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
All's Fair in Love and War, and this is a grand War indeed with ongoing Tactics and Enemies apon Enemy apon Enemy. it will take time a lot og time every now and then, but I give it four arrows to the heart with one broken walking stick.

Geplaatst 19 juli 2015.
Was deze recensie nuttig? Ja Nee Grappig Prijs
Niemand heeft deze recensie tot nu toe als nuttig gemarkeerd
112.2 uur in totaal (109.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Long, lacking in variety; tediously unvarying monotonous. nice Gfx and storyline is good so if you want to take over the word this is the game for you just plan to take your weekend away. 3 thumbs up and 1 middle finger to the AI that keeps kicking my arse from one end of the world to the other.
Geplaatst 1 juli 2014.
Was deze recensie nuttig? Ja Nee Grappig Prijs
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