[Nr13] NotOnly
Nunly   Hamburg, Germany
        •● W E L C O M E - T O - M Y - P R O F I L E ●•
"Kannst du mal mehr sein wie meine Mutter?!"
"Wie sehe ich den aus, als würde ich in modern sein?! Jüngchen ich schicke meine Briefe mit Eichhörnchen und Tauben weg"

"Ich spiele Gott"

"Denn nur eine flotte Flotte ist eine gute Flotte"
"Merke: Wenn Sushi an der Türe läutet, werden Menschen ausgebeutet"
"Bomber, Artillerie und schwere Panzer; mehr braucht es nicht"
"WAS?! Verrat!! Dolchstoß!! Der Huffel ist im Felde unbesiegt!"
"Keine Miete dem Feind!"

"Ich gehör zu den Streberinnen!"
"Halt! Du Lügner! Meine Mädels sagen, dass war gestern"

"Ich bin Fashion-Opfer"

"Der unterschied zwischen dir und denen ist: Du willst es nicht besser machen, die können es nicht"

“Ich könnte einen Downrank gebrauchen”

"Das ist ne Frau oder was ist das?! AAAAAAAAHHH! Die hat 2 Messer!! *pause* Nein du umarmst mich jetzt nicht.. AAAAAAHH!! [...] Das Vieh hat mich zu Tode umarmt [...] Es ist doch nicht meine Schuld, dass so eine fette Kuh auf mich zuläuft"
“Was hat denn bitte Rassismus mit Kolonialismus zu tun?”
"ima stucky, yamete kudasai onii-chan"
"WICK VapoRub ist für mich ein Luxusgut!"

"Bin so ein richtiger Animeschulwechsler"

"Bayern ist das Bayern der Bundesländer"

"Was hat Angela Merkel eigentlich gemacht bevor sie in die Politik gegangen ist?" - NotOnly
"Sie war Umweltministerin" - Powerfighter

"Was ist denn das für ein **** Kommunistenverein" - Powerfighter im Gespräch über eine Genossenschaft

"Ich sage immer: Besser Links als Rechts" - Powerfighter
"Aber rechts abbiegen ist einfacher als Links abbiegen, offensichtlich hast du keinen Führerschein" - NotOnly

"Das Bild hab ich selbst gemalt" - NotOnly
"Ok Spaß hab ich nicht gemacht das hab ich selbst gegoogelt" - NotOnly
"Du hast echt Talent" - Galava

"Wo sagt man eigentlich überall Kita? - Scotty
"In ganz Deutschland" - NotOnly
"Kein Wunder das ich kein Kind hab" - Scotty

"Gibt es irgendwas wo du dich nicht heraus diskutieren kannst??" - Powerfighter
"Ja. Grammartikregeln. Kenn ich keine einzige von." - NotOnly
"Ich auch nicht, aber ich stelle sie mir so vor wie du bist." - Powerfighter, Deutschstudent

"Warum ist die jetzt sauer?" - NotOnly
"Idk.. Frauen?" - Scotty
Currently Offline
About Me
Nightwings boyfriend since 2018 :proposal:

Regimental History in Napoleonic Wars
:Guardian: Limburgisches Füsilier-Regiment "Von Herzberg“ Nr.5:Guardian:
The LFR was a small infantry regiment that participated in a few line battles during the week.

01.08.2017: Enlisted | Rank: Rekrut - Gemeiner - Gefreiter - Obergefreiter - Hauptgefreiter

19.11.2017: The regiment merged with the Garde-Füsilier Regiment Nr.1 and adopted their name. I was promoted to Korporal on the day of the merge.

:Guardian:Garde-Füsilier Regiment Nr.1:Guardian:
Now twice the size, the GFr_Nr1 continued to participate in line battles. A few weeks after the restructuring, the regiment doubled its size again when the Grenadier Regiment Nr.5 joined and formed a cavalry detachment within the GFr_Nr1.

19.11.2017: Non-Commissioned Officer | Rank: Korporal

17.12.2017: The regiment was restructured into an infantry-only regiment and switched its name to the Grenadier Regiment Nr.2 in order to play competitively.

:Guardian:Grenadier-Regiment "König Friedrich Wilhelm IV.“ Nr.2 (1. Pommersches):Guardian:
With the former cavalry and infantry battalions now merged into one single infantry battalion, the GR_Nr2 or later GR2 played competitively, at first only in the German community, later internationally.

05.01.2018: Non-Commissioned Officer | Rank: Unteroffizier - Stabsunteroffizier

11.02.2018: The regiment was disbanded due to the leadership's lack of time.

:Guardian:Füsilier-Regiment "General-Feldmarschall Graf Moltke“ (Schlesisches) Nr.38:Guardian:
I founded the FR38 out of the remnants of the GR2 after the other officers decided to quit. We played a few line battles here and there and were peacefully existing on our own.

11.02.2018: Commanding Officer | Rank: Major

12.03.2018: The FR38 merged into the 5. Preußische Brigade to be part of a bigger community.

:Guardian:5. Preußische Brigade:Guardian:
The 5tePB consisted of a cavalry, artillery, and light infantry battalion before the FR38 joined and extended the number of existing battalions with a line infantry. After the 5tePB and the 10thJBH merged on the 26.04.2018, the regiment even consisted of two individual infantry battalions, the grenadiers and my battalion, the line infantry, which left the 5tePB after a few months to join the 2tesGFR as we had made some friends there.

12.03.2018: Commanding Officer of the line infantry battalion | Rank: Leutnant - Oberleutnant

26.07.2018: Left the regiment, which disbanded three days later.

:Guardian:2. Garde-Feldartillerie-Regiment von Liechtenstein:Guardian:
The 2tesGFR was founded with the high standard of being the best German artillery regiment long before I joined. It consisted of two battalions, an infantry and artillery battalion, and was led by Oberst oojgt, who was later replaced by one of the finest officers I have ever met, Oberst Nightwing, the commanding officer of the infantry. Under his leadership, the regiment grew in size, and a new detachment, the cavalry, was created. The infantry battalion began to adopt the role of light infantry from time to time and put its training to the test in a few group fighting and 1v1 matches.

26.07.2018: Acting Non-Commissioned Officer of the infantry | Rank: Adjutant

15.10.2018: Non-Commissioned Officer of the infantry | Rank: Feldwebel - Sergeant - Fähnrich

18.09.2019: The regiment merged into the Nr.13 and adopted their name to create a larger community with a stronger player base in order to cover both role-playing and competitive sections of the game.

:Guardian:Infanterie-Regiment "Herwarth von Bittenfeld" Nr.13 (1. Westfälisches):Guardian:
The Nr13 was founded back in 2016 and has since then been led by Oberst Faser. After the merge with the 2tesGFR, the regiment had a competitive infantry, artillery, a light, and a cavalry battalion and could field around 60 people on a good day. The light battalion was commanded by Major Nightwing, and I assisted him as his second in command. Sadly, the cavalry disbanded, and the artillery left the regiment in order to form the 2tesGFR again - this left the Nr13 where it all began: with infantry. Due to a lack of manpower, the line and lights were later merged into one infantry battalion, which would play as line for competitive events and as light infantry when playing casually.

18.09.2019: Non-Commissioned Officer of the light infantry | Rank: Fähnrich

19.09.2019: Officer of the light infantry | Rank: Leutnant - Oberleutnant

18.01.2021: Officer in the line infantry | Rank: Hauptmann

30.06.2021: Staff officer and second in command | Rank: Major
Screenshot Showcase
5 Jahre Nr13 - auch wenn ich erst seit 2019 dabei bin. Macht Spaß mit euch Jungs!
21 7
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Nr13 Füsiliere
6 5
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Time to say Goodbye
Filson 24 Dec, 2021 @ 6:53am 
:HentaiGirlLinda_star: Anlässlich des diesjährigen Weihnachtsfestes
Ich wünsche dir: viel Kraft, viele Geschenke, Glück, Freunde, Gesundheit und Zeit mit der Familie.
Fröhliche Feiertage von Filson :D
:HentaiGirlLinda_star: :golden_mark:
Rabi 10 Dec, 2021 @ 12:15pm 
¤*¨¨*¤.¸¸ ...¸.¤*¨¨*¤.¸¸ ...¸.¤*¨¨*¤.¸¸ ...¸.¤*¨¨*\
\ Svea Livgarde........................................\
.\¸.¤*¨¨*¤ .¸¸.¸.¤**¨¨* ¤ .¸¸.¸.¤**¨¨*¤.¸¸ ...¸.¤*¨*
...\ ℳerry ℭhristmas & ℋappy 2022
/▌ \
/ \
Kr4-Z 2 Aug, 2021 @ 1:37pm 
"Learn and study to be somebody." ~ Krazy

"We don't understand anything about the universe." ~ ter
Flip 26 Jul, 2021 @ 4:47am 
-rep ist in Wirklichkeit Chemiker
galava 3hunna 26 Jul, 2021 @ 3:34am 
-rep lebt in hamburg ist aber kein 187er
♣MB~SneaX♣ 13 Jul, 2021 @ 11:56am 
Kann nich Blocken lol