David Santos
          W E L C O M E - T O - M Y - P R O F I L E
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ダニエルくん 15 Jan @ 3:54pm 
Liam Payne 8 Jan @ 7:30pm 
+rep Cool guy
Bristol 17 Jun, 2020 @ 12:37am 
[Peter 🏀 and 🐝 Lois 👾 are 🎍 dumbfounded 🐳 after 👃 they 🚙 find 🏓 Brian 👽 masturbating] 🚗 Lois: 🍧 Was 📒 he 📀 just 🌂 mas... 🔋 Peter: 🍇 Yes. 🌸 Do... 🕺 do 🌳 I 🎁 rub ⚡ his 🥒 nose 🚘 in 🎈 it?
Tryna OD 29 Mar, 2016 @ 3:18pm 
Arguably group that least benefited from the Jacksonian Era were the Native Americans. Native Americans were completely sriken of their liberty. The idea of manifest destiny, that God himself had given whites’ America and that Native Americans had no right to it. This idea was used by the Supreme Court in the case of Johnson v. M’Intosh in 1823. The court concluded that Native Americans only had a “right of occupancy” and could be moved by the americans wherever they see fit. These irrational decisions made by the supreme court were also backed up by the executive branch and more importantly the president himself, who enacted the Indian Removal Act.
Tryna OD 29 Mar, 2016 @ 3:18pm 
The liberties gained by the whites were a large expense to the African Americans. The westward expansion of America allowed for more land for plantations. Plantations that needed workers and the only workers that were economically viable were slaves. With the new land and the invention of the cotton gin slavery was revived and was necessary for plantation owners in order to increase their wealth. Along with this international slave trade had been banned so domestic trade thrived blurring the vision of the negative impacts slavery had. The westward expansion made the idea of slavery “necessary” for America's success for years to come and caused the continuation of oppression towards African Americans.
Tryna OD 29 Mar, 2016 @ 3:18pm 
The newly acquired land allowed for the removal of property qualifications in many state laws and allowed for poor whites who were once unable to vote the liberty to do so. This policy also allow many white male immigrants the ability to bypass the oppression of African Americans and vote as soon as they arrived in America. These economical and political benefits due to westward expansion were what allow whites in America to flourish while other groups were oppressed of their liberty.