Patrick Mccmorick

my name is patrck mccormick aka LIL PA THE PRINCE
i was born and raised in central pa.i have had more than a fair share of expierences
throughout life and because of that I am able to write some of the best music
you will probally hear.i can write any genre music and I can write for not just
myself but for anyone.i have been dedicated to music since 15. im currently 36 .
I have grossed OVER 220,000 views on youtube and about 50,000/60,000 listens via
reverbnation , soundcloud , myspace , soundclick , and numerous mixtapes I
have released.i feel I am very marketable and have a lot to offer wether be
for my own music and appeal or for others I have that it factor and I
can definally prove that. my first rap name was under pat rap but decided
almost 2 years ago to change it to prince pa/ and now LIL PA THE PRINCE follow me on ig at lilpaworld and subscribe to my💜 GANGGG
DZ 10 gen, ore 17:37 
buy i beat from me im the goat
LansharkHD 11 nov 2024, ore 20:12 
do u fr think he was cheating or were u just trying to tilt us? lul
Darius simone (princePA manager) 1 nov 2024, ore 20:41 
love your music big fan +1 rep