Some of My Favorite Quotes

Shut up, genius. I'm about to get to the good part. ~ Isagi Yoichi

Do you need a reason to not want to lose? ~ Hinata Shoyo

No matter how devastated you may be by your own weakness or uselessness,
Set your heart ablaze
Grit your teeth and look straight ahead
~ Kyojuro Rengoku

Death is never an apology. ~ Brook, Soul King

People with talent often have the wrong impression that things will go as they think. ~ Akabane Karma

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Everyone suffers from sleeplessness at some point in their life.
There's just so much going on nowadays, so many problems in the world and it's so overwhelming. You end up lying awake at night dreading falling asleep because then you'll wake up and have to face the world again.
At the same time, I often find myself staying up late because I feel like that's the only time that I have to myself, to carve out a little peace in the day.

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Grup Favorit
"I’m not anti-social, most people just suck."
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