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Nylige anmeldelser av Nightcore 34tb of 2b hentai

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Viser 21–30 av 31 bidrag
1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
48.3 timer totalt (35.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
It's a good game. The closest thing I can play that reminds me of twisted metal but even better because playing vs other people. It's not really pay 2 win as many others might say. I been playing this game, I feel the matches are well balanced. Also the fact everything is locked and needs to be crafted. Makes the game have a nice progression, it feels satisfying to work for something you want and use in a future build.
Publisert 14. oktober 2019.
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2,304.9 timer totalt (2,304.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Despite being so burnt out on playing it @ 2,304 hours as of writing this. I like this game, I like everything the dev's have done with the updates.

I just can't stand the AWFUL community. I understand the community has aged. But this game used to be so much fun before. You want to be part of Rust in 2020++??

Here is you're qualifications. Be mentally sick, seriously that's it. This game has a VERY serious problem with mentally ill adults. Also if you want to join any serious group with any decent PVP skills. Be ready to fill out your resume and file taxes at the end of the year, what a joke. This game is not ideal for the solo player.

I am forced to not recommend this game, despite still liking it and still wanting to play it in the future.
Publisert 21. juli 2019. Sist endret 22. august 2024.
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20.0 timer totalt (5.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
This game is fun, but very difficult. Even with youtube guides and what not. I struggle to play the game longer than a hour, before too many people die or get sick or me being exiled from the town. Anyways it's worth the $$ get it!
Publisert 8. juli 2019.
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2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
835.0 timer totalt (250.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
Very addicing game, very straight foward, it's not difficult to get into the game. That being said, it can be very complicated. It's limited by how complicated and micro managed you want to set something up.

It can be frustrating at times, but if you take it step by step and day by day. Instead of rushing everything to be done in 1 sitting. You will get overwhelmed, so always take your time and it will be more enjoyable. Also a great game to sit down and listen to music with or listen to a E-book, podcast, etc.

Tips for new players. Always leave yourself lots of space. Turn Biters/Aliens down to low spawn if it's your first time playing. Did I mention leave yourself space? seriously... Always have easy to trace input and output belts of products. It will save you headaches in the future. Always have turrets setup anytime you build something new. To prevent Biters/Aliens from destroying things.

It's VERY worth the $$ I'd honestly spend $60 on this game. That is absolutely no joke, I rarely would buy a triple A game because of it being $60 too. So that says a lot!
Publisert 13. februar 2018. Sist endret 28. mai 2018.
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3 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
4.7 timer totalt (0.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
💰 ₮h€ 💰 i₦₮€₦₮ 💰 i$ 💰 ₮o 💰 ₱rovi₫€ 💰 ₱£a¥€r$ 💰 ₩i₮h 💰 a 💰 $€₦$€ 💰 o₣ 💰 ₱ri₫€ 💰 a₦₫ 💰 a¢¢oℳ₱£i$hℳ€₦₮ 💰 ₣or 💰 u₦£o¢₭i₦g 💰 ₫i₣₣€r€₦₮ 💰 h€ro€$ 💰. 💰 A$ 💰 ₣or 💰 ¢o$₮ 💰, 💰 ₩€ 💰 $€£€¢₮€₫ 💰 i₦i₮ia£ 💰 va£u€$ 💰 Ƀa$€₫ 💰 u₱o₦ 💰 ₫a₮a 💰 ₣roℳ 💰 ₮h€ 💰 O₱€₦ 💰 Ƀ€₮a 💰 a₦₫ 💰 o₮h€r 💰 a₫ju$₮ℳ€₦₮$ 💰 ma₫€ 💰 ₮o 💰 ℳil€$₮o₦€ 💰 r€₩ar₫$ 💰 Ƀ€₣or€ 💰 lau₦ch 💰. 💰 Aℳo₦g 💰 o₮h€r 💰 ₮hi₦g$ 💰, 💰 ₩€'r€ 💰 £oo₭i₦g 💰 a₮ 💰 av€rag€ 💰 ₱€r-💰-₱£a¥€r 💰 ¢r€₫i₮ 💰 €ar₦ 💰 ra₮€$ 💰 o₦ 💰 a 💰 ₫ai£¥ 💰 Ƀa$i$ 💰, 💰 a₦₫ 💰 ₩€'ll 💰 Ƀ€ 💰 ℳa₭i₦g 💰 ¢o₦$₮a₦₮ 💰 a₫ju$₮m€₦₮$ 💰 ₮o 💰 €₦$ur€ 💰 ₮ha₮ 💰 ₱£a¥€r$ 💰 hav€ 💰 ¢ha££€₦g€$ 💰 ₮ha₮ 💰 ar€ 💰 ¢oℳ₱€££i₦g 💰, 💰 r€₩ar₫i₦g 💰, 💰 a₦₫ 💰 o₣ 💰 ¢our$€ a₮₮ai₦aɃ£€ 💰 via 💰 gaℳ€₱£a¥ 💰. 💰 ₩€ 💰 a₱₱r€¢ia₮€ 💰 ₮h€ 💰 ¢a₦₫i₫ 💰 ₣€€₫Ƀa¢₭ 💰, 💰 a₦₫ 💰 ₮h€ 💰 ₱a$$io₦ 💰 ₮h€ 💰 ¢oℳℳu₦i₮¥ 💰 ha$ 💰 ₱u₮ 💰 ₣or₮h 💰 arou₦₫ 💰 ₮h€ 💰 ¢urr€₦₮ 💰 ₮o₱i¢$ 💰 h€r€ 💰 o₦ 💰 R€₫₫i₮ 💰, 💰 our 💰 ₣orum$ 💰 a₦₫ 💰 a¢ro$$ 💰 ₦uℳ€rous 💰 $o¢ia£ 💰 ℳ€₫ia 💰 ou₮£€₮$ 💰. 💰 Our 💰 ₮€aℳ 💰 ₩i££ 💰 ¢o₦₮i₦u€ 💰 ₮o 💰 ℳa₭€ 💰 ¢ha₦g€$ 💰 a₦₫ 💰 ℳo₦i₮or 💰 ¢oℳℳu₦i₮¥ 💰 ₣€€₫Ƀac₭ 💰 a₦₫ 💰 u₱₫a₮€ 💰 €v€ryo₦€ 💰 a$ 💰 $oo₦ 💰 a₦₫ 💰 a$ 💰 o₣₮€₦ 💰 a$ 💰 ₩€ 💰 ¢a₦ 💰.
Publisert 11. januar 2018.
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704.8 timer totalt (692.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
If you enjoying cheating in video games, just like i do? then this is the game for you!
Publisert 14. desember 2017. Sist endret 30. desember 2023.
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5.6 timer totalt (2.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
It's a fun game, the co-op is great
Publisert 2. november 2017.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
1.2 timer totalt
I almost avoided trying the game out because of people complaining about optimization. i5-4670k @ 3.4ghz with a GTX 980 Ti. Runs @ 144 fps constant, 0 dips. Hope that clears things up for anyone.
Publisert 29. september 2017. Sist endret 29. september 2017.
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88.9 timer totalt (7.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
paladins is best overwatch
Publisert 14. juli 2017.
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401.9 timer totalt (400.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Publisert 14. juli 2017. Sist endret 24. november 2024.
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Viser 21–30 av 31 bidrag