
CuNi 最近的评测

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有 4 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 186.7 小时 (评测时 155.4 小时)
I got 155+ hours on record and haven't even finished a single play through.
I have 2 runs going, and only one of them is me killing everyone... multiple times if needed.

You think you've seen it all and still find more on later playthroughs.
I would give away 100 positive reviews if I could and 100 more just to annoy lazy developers who claim that Baldurs Gate 3 is "a one off game" and not what gamers should expect in the future!
发布于 2023 年 11 月 21 日。
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总时数 0.2 小时
They took a perfectly fun game, that was even generating a good stream of money for them and turned it into a burning and stinking pile of trash.

Skins are way out of line with the pricing, the bundles are awful, and you don't even get heroes for free anymore, you either have to buy the Season Pass, grind the hell out of the season pass, or grind the hell out of the game a season later to unlock the hero again.

A new Hero is OP but you don't have the money to buy the season pass or the time to grind for him? Tough luck sugar cube, get used to be owned by him and not being able to play him!

Overwatch 1 died for this. We were promised a PvE-Story Campaign... the whole reason Overwatch 2 came to be was the PvE-Content.. which was scrapped! Well not completely, they re-used that content, or at least the maps, for the new invasion PvE-Mode. But that one's gonna cost you 15 Bucks as a bundle and is just tiny chopped of portions of the original maps. The progression system is still completely gone.

Blizzard was once known as a company that turned everything to gold that they touched.
This is most likely still true, but not for gamers anymore, but for their shareholders. Diablo Immortal makes insane money and it shows. Diablo 4 got a Season Pass-System with an MTX shop and Overwatch 2 went the same way.

The worst thing is, they didn't even give you a choice whether you'd like to play 1 or 2.. the original game is just gone, banished from existence and we're stuck with this sorry excuse of an attempt to just produce even more revenue with even less workforce.
发布于 2023 年 8 月 13 日。
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有 1 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
总时数 84.9 小时
Fun game that doesn't suck the money out of you but still let's you play a good chunk of it and have fun with it..

I am also writing this because for some reason Steam think's it's a good idea to force me to write a review to get the Steam Awards badge... jokes on you Steam! I'll just write mostly nonsense!

Still, Lost Ark is a fun enough game and I mean it's free... why not check it out...
发布于 2022 年 11 月 23 日。
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总时数 40.8 小时 (评测时 2.9 小时)
Halo is back baby!

So far it's only the multiplayer but it's here and it is free-2-play!
It runs great on PC, the IQ is superb and the gunplay, ho boy that gunplay!

After Halo 4 and Halo 5, most of the boring Promethean weapons got shelved and Banished weapons took their spots. You have the occasional "Drone Laser" etc. but those feel good as well. The Banished weapons feel powerful yet archaic. Their "Sniper/Rocket Launcher" is a gigantic ass Weapon that shoots one fat bolt of Iron at your Enemy, be it on foot or in a vehicle.

Some weapons do lack some punch like the sidekick and the AR is a tad too strong if you ask me and some others feel too weak at the same time. (Shotgun is no instakill anymore, which kinda makes me sad ngl)

I'd assume that is what the beta is for right now, as well as give the team to polish details that only a huge army of sweaty tryhards can find! I am also quit sad to see SWAT not be a ranked game mode. I very much enjoyed SWAT and it was my preferred Ranked game mode but who knows, maybe it will return in a later Season.
The current Season-Pass has his ups and downs:

You buy it, you keep it! You can come back to the Season Pass wherever and whenever! Progress on your own pace without the pressure of a clock ticking down the inevitable end of a season!
Many good cosmetics like Kill effects, dying effects, Armor Effects and even whole "Armor Sets", currently all of Noble-Team from Reach, since that's the setting in Season 1.

The current progress is very, very, veeeeerrryyyy slow and most people dislike it, me included. It does not award you per game but for completion of challenges. There are "Complete X games" challenges, but the amount of XP needed to advance a single rank is huge, and once you run out of those challenges, you're stuck with things like "Kill X Spartans with Y weapon" or "Kill X enemies on Slayer". And the worst thing is, you cannot check a box that you only want to play Slayer, no, you're stuck with Matchmakings mercy to put you in a Slayer match.
发布于 2021 年 11 月 15 日。 最后编辑于 2021 年 11 月 24 日。
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1 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 101.2 小时 (评测时 2.6 小时)
Halo MCC bringt nach einem holprigen Start endlich die komplette originale Trilogie sowie weitere Spiele aus dem Halo Universum Endlich auch auf dem PC. Für Fans der originalen Spiele natürlich ein Muss diese jetzt mit wide-screen support sowie hohen framerates zu erleben.

Der multiplayer leidet ein wenig da die Playerbase über mehrere Spiele verstreut ist, jedoch ist der singleplayer genauso gut wenn nicht sogar besser wie früher. Nun ist es auch endlich einfache mit Freunden co op zu spielen, auch ohne gold Mitgliedschaft!!

Einziges Manko mMn ist das es sehr gewöhnungsbedürftig ist die halo Spiele mit Maus und Tastatur zu spielen. Nach alle den Jahren auf der Xbox fühlt es sich seltsamer Weise tatsächlich zu Beginn etwas seltsam an mit Maus und Tastatur zu spielen.
发布于 2020 年 11 月 25 日。
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有 3 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
总时数 1.1 小时 (评测时 0.2 小时)
I actually intended to download this game to write a review, be the first review, gather a ton of up votes and points to spend on the points hop to get rich and buy my way into Devolver Digital and pretend to be a developer while actually just playing all their games.. I also bought their coin last year...

The game itself runs "okay"-ish on my PC with everything cranked down to low because I just cannot afford to even look at shadows at anything but low details and only thing negative is the lack of ability to change mouse sensitivity. But I guess that just adds to the experience since my eyes would jump between all the game posters at the real expo anyway so yeah..

I'll keep updating this review once I think of something funny to write down here or actually noteworthy to add...

Who knows.. if this review turns out great I might start writing stupid reviews for other games so I can feel validated in my life by at least random people on the internet!
发布于 2020 年 7 月 11 日。
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总时数 11.1 小时 (评测时 10.9 小时)
If you are a fan of the original games, zombie shooters or the RE Series in general, you should try to not miss out on this game!
发布于 2019 年 11 月 26 日。
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有 2 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 40.6 小时 (评测时 25.1 小时)
If you liked the first game, you will love this one even more. Don't let the 3D look scare you off, it actually makes it very amusing to play. You have the same old overflow of item upgrades, rising difficulty, map and monster randomness etc. Even though the game is only in early access, it has a great amount of content and fun already and the developers just keep on adding content regularly!
发布于 2019 年 6 月 29 日。
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有 8 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 1.2 小时
Artifact tries to be a card game that is different from all the other games and at the same time tries to incorporate as many mechanics from DotA 2 as possible. This game is closer to a real TGC than most if not all the other TGC's out there by simply not allowing free packs to be earned and instead forcing you to spend essentialy more money to become or stay competative. This, coupled with the fact that all sales and trades run through the community marketplace mean that valve not only earns on you buying the booster, but also on you trading cards contained in said booster to others.

Overall the mechanics didn't feel like fun to me and made things more complicated than they should be by splitting the board into 3 boards you have to keep track of simultanously.

Also, the return policy practices are shady as hell. You get the game with 10 free boosters but the fine print and cancel button are so minisculely small, that most people as seen on reddit and NeoGAF (myself included) didn't see that you can 1) skip redeeming the 10 free boosters you get and 2) can play draft without said boosters, so they naturarely open them only to find out that with doing so, made yourself unable to refund this game whatsoever.

If you like a gard came that is a competitor to this one, I honestly advise to stick with your game instead of investing into this. With the way it is now, only a inimaginable small playerbase will stick to this game as everything is in some way tied to microtransactions or other ways of monetarization. Want to participate in a tournament? Better buy tickets. Want to stay up to date with cards or even relevant in the game? Buy more boosters and hope for good cards!
发布于 2018 年 11 月 30 日。
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总时数 3.0 小时 (评测时 3.0 小时)
Cloudbuild is a combination of Dark Souls frustration and DeadCore-like speed.
The Graphics are semi-unique and look really good on their own. There seems to be a story but to be honest you don't really follow it since you have to beat each level to progress the story, and if you try to get at least A on every track, that could take time. The only think that I have to address negatively is something so simple yet so frustrating.. It's not even the sometimes wonky transitions from wallruns etc... Rather its the strange decision to force the player to press "space" after a climb to not hang on the ledge. This is really frustrating because if you are dashing up a wall and want to continue, you have to press space everytime you reach the top. It you press to late, its ok, she'll just hang in there and you lose at max half a second. But if you press to early, and thats the real issue here, you will jump away from the wall, most likely killing that run. It's just a weird choice to force the player to press space.. every.. time. I would give it a solid 10/10 if it werent for this issue. The Soundtrack is good and even after hours of listening to it, it kind of never really gets boring. The pace is fun and there are often multiple ways to finish a level depending on your playstyle. Enemy's sometimes really are a pain in the ass but once you get yourself to shoot at them rather to try to evade their attacks it makes alot more fun. So to sum things up, I would give it a 8/10 because the space issues really made me rage more times then it actually should. But for the price now (Steam Summer Sale) It's really worth a grab.
发布于 2016 年 6 月 26 日。
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