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Yayınlanma: 19 May 2019 @ 11:55

Story: 8/10
Atmosphere 8/10
Gameplay 8/10

Hundreds of collectables including
Civilian audio files
ECHO logs (3D freeze frame that tells a story of past division agents, civilian issues/conflicts, random acts of the prominent enemy groups, as well as some side mission objectives that tell story's of important characters )
Crashed reconnaissance drones
Missing agent watches/info
Incident reports
Survival book pages
and Phone recordings
that all add literal TONS of depth to the story
which to me added a lot of fun gameplay, most you find while just exploring and completing main and side missions
but some you have to fight for in the west docks and etc.

All of this and i haven't even done anything with the dlcs

i will ad that teh dark zone is... well, frustrating more so because of players but also with the fact that all enemies are bullet sponges to the point of being mind numbing

Overall 9/10 must play, especially if on sale
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