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By xItCy :)
Shotguns really are OP tho 29 Jun, 2019 @ 9:33pm 
Idk if you will see this as well, but I am here after all these years haha. If you look at my profile, you will see you left a comment on my steam 5 years ago haha. I had no idea I had this account, until I found a random screenshot on my PC after al these years. You probably don't remember me, but I think we played Deathrun together. That or Jailbreak, I forget haha. Well, if you see this, I have a new acc also named Camerongw321. (you will see multiple options, they are all me, just add them all lol) Well, I hope to see you again. Sorry for my disappearence. I didn't die, and have a good day.
판다 16 Nov, 2017 @ 7:22pm 
Vista 5 Aug, 2016 @ 6:53am 
I miss you too, and thank you very much for everything :)
AI au43a 26 Jul, 2016 @ 10:16am 
40k its good. But i was TOP 1 world with 5200... In first days))
Xuno 28 Apr, 2016 @ 1:53pm 
I bet you couldn't beat me in death run! Slag we should play a game some time.
legolas 24 Apr, 2016 @ 10:19am 
Hey man, its been a while but I wanted to say thanks for being a good friend. Sorry that I hardly reply but I've been busy. Just wanted you to know you're a good friend (: