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29.7 hrs on record (20.0 hrs at review time)
Whilst the game still has a few quirks, one or two cards with slight translation issues and some of the sound mixing is a.... tad loud.

The gameplay itself is absolutely fantastic and addicting. A rogue-lite 'deck builder' where you try and create a perfect 'hand'/deck, which is then taken over by the AI player (autobattler) who casts everything left to right, so it's all about maximising your synergy and ordering your cards correctly, building up to a final powerful build that will carry you to the end.

The really fun gimmick comes into play with, every time you defeat a boss, the character you used for that ascends to demonhood and replaces that boss, meaning any future runs when you get to that same boss, it will be replaced by your previous run, meaning you have to beat them. (plus the visual clutter can reach eye-searing at times, which is half the fun!!)

However with the amount of cards, class types and synergies there are so, so many different viable builds you can make, with plenty of cross over between them all. It's always a blast to try out new combinations or strategies.

Incredibly enjoyable and even after finally completing the game with every character, I'm now looking forwards to tackling it all over again!
Posted 19 August, 2023.
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26.0 hrs on record (24.4 hrs at review time)
A very unique game with an incredible vibe and aesthetic, it knows what it is and it plays it out perfectly.

You play as one of 10 Spies, taking NPC disguises and trying to blend into the crowd whilst you complete objectives, all to unlock the secret brief case at the end which you will then grab and try to escape with. There's constantly things to do, watching NPC's to see if you think they are a player, grab upgrades and resources as you roam the map, before the final escape with the brief case.

Highly recommend, the gameplay is fantastic and fresh, each game is different and the dev's are listening to the community and improving it every day!
Posted 18 June, 2023.
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141.8 hrs on record
To this day I still think about this game, I miss it greatly.
Simply nothing else like it on the market even this many years later...
Posted 19 February, 2023.
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5.4 hrs on record
To begin: Full runs of the game take 5 HOURS!!!

So I simply cannot recommend the game to anyone.

Whilst the game mechanics are good and enjoyable, and all the makings of a good game are there. There are just far too many combat encounters. Combat takes a while and almost every tile on each board is combat. There needs to be less or at least more 'events' instead to give players a break/lower the overall game time.

If you join a random multiplayer game and someone disconnects in those 5 hours, whilst you keep your rewards, only the host can relaunch the game from the last checkpoint. Leading to multiple hours of wasted gameplay. Whilst this function could be useful for a play group, picking the game up, putting it down, playing it over 2-3 nights etc, it's horrible for playing solo with randoms.

I got this game to play with friends, but sitting down for 5 hours is far too much of an ask for any play group, let alone rando's online. You could do it in multiple sessions if a friend hosts, but I can easily see that getting tiring/boring.
So I'm sorry to say something really needs to change before I can recommend the game.
Posted 22 August, 2022. Last edited 22 August, 2022.
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14.2 hrs on record (12.7 hrs at review time)
The first BIG TCG in the Warhammer Universe. AoS: Champions is an incredibly unique and interesting card game, Bringing something new and fresh to an over-saturated market.
With it's unique rotate mechanics and questing, it may take a little while to get used too. But it is absolutely worth it.

To those who don't know, whilst the game is Free, it is also a physical card game! And what's better, if you own the App version you can SCAN your cards into the game, so anything you own physically, you can own digitally too! I'd highly recommend you buy physical product instead of using the in-game micro-transactions, as they are not much cheaper than the physical product, so for a few extra pennies you may as well own real cards!

Now to get into the actual review of the game;

As I described earlier, AoS:C is a very unique TCG, whilst inspired slightly by PlayFusions previous game Lightseekers, it does a lot to be unique. The game is split into 4 rows, in which you deploy your 4 Champions (chosen during deck building). Each Champion has unique effects and quest corners, vastly changing how each faction and deck play depending on how you pick them.
Throughout the game you deploy Units, Spells and Abilities into those Champions lanes. Some cards may have targeting-symbols that allow it to effect other lanes, etc. Each of your Champions have "quest" corners to their top left, whenever you play a card of that type into their row, they rotate 1 forwards moving onto their next corner, with the aim of most decks being to fully quest your Champions so that you can flip your powerful Blessings underneath them, swinging the battle towards your favor!
The game has various modes, Casual PvP, Ranked, Battle against AI, Campaign modes against AI, Special Events, some using your own decks, some using pre-mades. All around very fun and gives you a lot to do outside of just the usual PvP.
The meta has had a nice representation of Aggro, Combo and Control, meaning there is something for all types of players. Whilst the controls may be a little clunky at first, having been adapted from the App, it does take a little getting used too, but once you have the gameplay is as smooth as butter.

The game looks great, using a lot of the original art from the fantastic artists over at Games Workshop, really giving you a feel for the Mortal Realms, sometimes just oggle cards going "Oooo, Aaaah."
Menu's do take a little getting used too, but everything is certainly well decorated and flash. Many attacks have animations giving you great feedback and give everything a little more life. Whilst they look fantastic I will mention they are slightly limited, but more are being added with each expansion and patch so everything remains interesting to watch.
As mentioned before, this has been ported/remade from an App version which you can tell, however they have done a fantastic job of adapting the game to a larger screen and everything looks great, here's hoping it gets a little more polished/easier to use interface in the coming months (or maybe I'll just get used to it haha!)

The sound of ripping claws, the crack of lightning strikes and the thundering blows of hammers are FANTASTICALLY rung out in game, having been scaled up fantastically. Every attack, spell and ability has a high quality sound.
The music is also very befitting the AoS universe, really getting you in the mood. If I were to make a complaint, I will say after about 20-30hrs of gameplay the music did become a little repetitive and I eventually switched it off, but that would be expected of most games to be fair..

The game does include micro-transactions, having premium currency and so on. The game however is incredibly generous to F2P players, with it's daily quests, weekly AI campaigns/events and earning simply for playing. If you own any physical cards they also "level up" when you play them, granting you additional gold in game (the currency you use for buying packs), Allowing players to amass a collection without paying a penny!
The actual premium currency is... fair, by typical standards, however I cannot stress enough how much a physical pack costs compared to a digital pack. If you enjoy the game, I'd recommend you instead buy a physical starter or some booster packs, then SCAN those cards into the digital game, there is very little difference in price so I feel it is much better value! Especially since owning physical cards grants you additional gold in game by leveling them up from playing games, meaning they help you build up MORE digital currency to buy even MORE digital packs, so... worth it!

The game has just come out and is still early, PlayFusion do provide regular updates and there is a thriving Discord group I would recommend you join if you are enjoying the game.
People there are more than happy to provide help and discuss the game. PF Staff are also there and always willing to listen to feedback!
The game has certainly had it's ups and downs, but I feel the game is beginning to find a good balance and grow. The game costs nothing, so please, give it a go!

Posted 19 February, 2019. Last edited 19 February, 2019.
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0.3 hrs on record
Whilst looking fairly decent, you will never see the game on those settings, because it runs so poorly you have to set every graphical option to Low.
The game seems terribly optomised as it chugs and lags even without many enemies on screen, add this with a clunky UI and it just makes for a game I could not get into and enjoy, sadly I would not recommend this until they give it a huge overhall and sort the preformance issues.

Also, this is a complaint just from my expectation, but I expected the game to have progression and unlocks, get yourself new armor and weapons, like Vermintide. Have a reason to play it over and over as you grind new armor, weapons, emblems, colour schemes and so on. But sadly there is no such system, it's just pick your load out and join the terribly designed lobby. The only upgrades you get are in mission and only last for that mission, meaning once you've played them all a few times you really have no reason to do it again outside of gameplay... and, I wasn't that impressed by that, so the game had no lasting value for me.
Posted 30 January, 2017.
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46.1 hrs on record
Despite it's first appearance, SMNC is actually a very in-depth MOBA (DotA) game!
Tons of customization and enough gameplay to keep you playing for months, I highly recommend this game to anyone who loves 3rd person team based shooters or the MOBA genre of game, it's really up there and deserves far more recognition than it's gotten!!
Posted 13 July, 2012.
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3.5 hrs on record (3.3 hrs at review time)
Fantastic little game! Some amazing chiptunes, real pick up and play gameplay, Was really worth the money!
Posted 6 February, 2012.
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14.5 hrs on record (11.9 hrs at review time)
This is a -MUST- buy, for so cheap the game is amazing!
Fun, solid gameplay, hours upon hours of replay value, huge deep lists of skills and abilities, randomly generated maps.. not to mention great humor! Really everyone should get this and support the developers.

Fantastic game.
Posted 27 December, 2011.
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14.3 hrs on record (13.5 hrs at review time)
Iv played this game for years now and it's always been one iv fallen back into, such a great and addictive game, really unique and fantastic to spectate.
Posted 18 December, 2011.
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