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love me sum zombies
Опубликовано 26 ноября 2019 г..
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14.9 ч. всего (0.3 ч. в момент написания)
thank god for refunds less than 2 hours in and wow, what a scam. buncha lies. maybe down the road after they steal more money from people just maybe we might get the game that was promised
Опубликовано 15 августа 2016 г..
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I really am enjoying this game to the max.

I mean whats not to like about about trying to wipe out the human race. It really puts things in to perspective as how infections can travel. just from the simplest of things.

I mean you can even apply this to life, people not washing hands and other small things that can lead to the human race being wiped out because some a-hole didn't wash their hands after wiping then went about touching everything(eveerytime i see someone sneeze now and not cover i'm like wow, just wow). Next thing you need we are all dead. HAHAHA

freaking crazy. game is getting alot better with every update, updates do seem slow but for the most part the game works it's just lacking content. but hey how many early access games have you played that straight out worked and didn't reak of complete fail.
Опубликовано 24 апреля 2014 г.. Отредактировано 24 апреля 2014 г..
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25.2 ч. всего (15.1 ч. в момент написания)
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1st off let me list part of my system specs since i know from reading other comments on other reviews people seem to jump to must be a system issue.

My System:
AMD FX-9590(61f-85f)
32GB RAM 2400
3x Crucial SSD, 1=OS 2(combined not raided)=Games
AMD 6970 Tri-slot(rarely do i go past 60c)

My Server: I host my own games
AMD Opteron 2x 12core
64GB RAM 1600
1x Crucial SSD, 8x HDD, Several RAM Drives(used for games i host)

Now I pretty much avg 60FPS(ive noticed this cnage change with and or fluctuate with different versions of game one version i may average 23FPS, another 60FPS and another 45FPS) when playing on my server with about 60ms avg(server located 30mins away).

As of right now i'm going to say BUYER BEWARE!!!!! for several reason's.

my 1st concern is yes game is due in May we are still in alpha and as of writing this alpha7.9,(now 7.11) i started playing at alpha7.7. we haven't even hit a beta release yet and while playing the game it feels very much alpha. lots and lots of bugs so just be aware yes this is an alpha there are game breaking bugs still they maye fix something and then break several other things and they keep changing core gameplay mechanics.

2.) With the whole mess with the Devteam and its track record i would also take that into consideration when purchasing, I took the plunge because a friend offered to pay half for me to be a guinne pig to see if it's even worth the rest of us getting. I've known about this game since kickstarter however i did not pledge to it because of several personal reason's. theres alot of games i would like to kickstart but some are more promisng then others.

The game has some serious potential, and thats all you can say, because we don't know where this game will be and or where it's heading(alpha). As of right now Graphics are subpar, a zombie game on steam as of right now that has been out since 2005 using an older game engines has better graphics. I'm guessing they are still useing alot of placeholders, this may or may not be true but if these arn't placeholders we can only hope they add in higher texture/res assets. The terrain looks horrible, pretty much the same set of textures repeated over and over and over. It's a very colorless/dark and grimy.

lets see I've tried both SP and playing off my server(with others) and game mechanics are frustrating at times, some actions don't recognize sometimes, Opening and closing menues can be a pain due to game not proccessing your commands in a timely manner. grass and other objects you can walk thru can obstruct your being able to interact with objects. even when right next to objects you have to find that sweet spot of an angle of where an interaction works and may not work and this isn't consitent either. Getting stuck on things that shouldn't cause you to get stuck. Hit detection/Hitboxs seems horribly off at times i could just go on and on and on and....

Now I do enjoy the physics of building that is pretty freaking sweet

now just in the small amount of time i've played(mind you one doen't need alot of hours to know if a game is good or bad i know some other reviews may have you belive otherwise by levaing their games on 24/7 to rack up hours, sure i could do that too but it's not going to change facts of whats going on with the game itself, now it may change peoples opinions) they made some gameplay changes in terms of how the game works, now for better or worse thats subjective.

I personaly preffrered the old method of repairing items to the new don't care for repair kits now that i had a tatse of combining 2 same items to make 1 better item(makes senes to me but then again so does a repair kit). I feel after just an hour of game play I get board very quick and the game becomes very stale(due to no content, no drive, and no sens of purpose).

MP/Server Hosting:
is a nightmare everytime a new patch coms out wipe server reload server so you lose all your progress, Now you don't have to wipe but since somehow textures don't register on new patch you'll have missing icons and or purple walls and what not. stupid as hell when patchs notes make no mention of said items changing. I've also noticed the game tends to bug out more to if you don't wipe and reload. items stop spawning zombies getting stuck or only spawning in certain areas for example. Now is this how servers will act after release I would hope not.

The community is for the most part embarrsing, way to many little kids with attitudes i feel like i'm on xboxlive and i can hear all their voices when they type, be prepared for kids to swarm you asking you for money and to buy them other games because their dad won't let them. they are brostatus and they are prostatus and will give you some other game sthey don't want in return(I ♥♥♥♥ you not), this also leads to the cheaters which i mention below.

Cheaters, cheaters, cheaters, i've already encounter multiple cheaters who can "Flash" across the map, infinite items/weapons/ammo/HP ect... so be prepared for people cheating. Depending on the server and it's settings it may be harder to spot, but when i have server settings a certain way and i see someone die multiple times and they instantly have everything all over again yea it startes to become obvious. Some of them even offer to give you the cheats.

My suggestion for everyone would be to wait until this game is done because I honetsly don't know where this game is going. It has so many issues as of right now and dev team cant seem to make up their minds on simple things. The game is still alpha and honestly should be for awhile in hopes to make a good game. Now the game has serious potential but with that in mind that means the game could go either way good or bad.

If you wanna take the risk so be it.

now for you type of people tl;dr, Game is still alpha, Game due in May, Game has some serious potential, Game currently has tons of seious bugs and lacking majority of whats promised, New patchs require server wipes, Game may or may not run good on a system. game does have cheaters. Buyer Beware!!!!

Edit:8.0 Added in the neat feature of major client Crashing(was unable to play on 3 different systems) and Server memory leaks/crashing(server mem usage went as high as 5gigs for no reason at server start when normaly gets up to about 700MB-1400MB), Smooth terrain is pretty nice looking wish i could play to see it.

Edit8.1 So i can now play again and server mem usage is back where it should be. Terrain looks pretty kool with the smoothing feature. It's now MAY and still in alpha but we have rest of the month for a release...??? Since i'm now able to play I've noticed more changes not within changelog client and server side.
Опубликовано 23 апреля 2014 г.. Отредактировано 12 мая 2014 г..
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