Slapshot Bob
Robert   United States
Don't sweat it, and oh yeah, watch your back!

After several years away from Steam, I'm back!

I find myself playing story games like "The Longing", and FTL. And when I'm not playing on Steam or the PC, I'm playing NHL on my PS4. I wish Steam was on PS4 too, but oh well.

I used to play (real) Ice Hockey frequently, but due to injuries over the years, it's very painful, and that pain even makes it difficult for me to use a mouse, thus I no longer play FPS anymore. Sadly, I miss playing some of the games I used to play frequently like "Gun Game (GG)". I was really good at Gun Game, often knifing people to remove their level, and I really enjoyed (and miss) the GG community where I knew my opponents and they knew me. We'd play on the same servers and they'd see me come online and go "oh no, Slapshot Bob is gonna knife me!" as I'd sneak attack from behind out of nowhere.

And I used to play DOTA2 and BF3 too, but I'm so far behind on strategy and use a laptop for Steam that I'm not that good anymore. If things get better for me physically and I get a decent gaming PC, I'll try to rejoin the community more.
2023年8月27日 に最後にプレイ
2023年8月27日 に最後にプレイ
2023年4月9日 に最後にプレイ
Slapshot Bob 2020年5月3日 0時49分 
Bought a new PC, so will be playing on Steam again in the near future
Slapshot Bob 2018年2月8日 12時19分 
Rumors of my death are false. Just been more of a console (PS4) player than anything else.
[LgC] Sgt-Jackson 2015年11月19日 6時54分 
Dude where ya been ? Never see you in teamspeak and you barely give any signs of life , how you been mate ? come in ts see how the guys are here on most nights playing bunch of games , fun times you should consider comming to say hi!:steambored:
YEET SAUCE 2012年10月27日 7時55分 
Yeah I actually do play some, my siblings play so I know a couple of tricks here and there
[LgC] Sgt-Jackson 2012年8月4日 5時19分 
Bob man , i want to play DOTA with you , i know how to play a bit , need help on items and ♥♥♥♥ ,COME ON WE NEED TO PLAY TOGETHER ,get ur ass in vent , and we will have tons of laughts/giggles!
Slapshot Bob 2012年7月10日 13時56分 
Hey sorry, didn't see your message, I do play Hockey, mostly for fun, but I'm on a few teams that play in tournaments and a rink league. You play hockey too?