You know, I like evenings
I like to hole up every once in a while
And somehow, unnaturally
A bit excessively, to be alone
Climb up a tree and gaze at the sky
So casually but even then
I know yet again
I stand no chance to be who I want

My spotify music playlist to which I listen to whenever I play dota [open.spotify.com]
Yes, I do realise most of the songs are from '80/'90/'00.
I dunno why.... but they help me relax so I don't tlit :steamsalty:

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A metamorphing courier! See the complete life cycle of Kupu throughout your dota games, and with a seperate bag for each player on the team, no more courier hogging. (I have pixelated shadows bug that I can't seem to fix, so dont mind it in the video)
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Status - Accepted for Game, Created by - Machinata and Mig
Lucky_Eagloh 25 Dec, 2021 @ 12:40pm 
the news just hit me... i was trying to message you for a while now
i know you won't see this but please know that you were one of my best friends, we were together since 2012 and we managed to stay connected till the end

i am very sorry i couldnt contact you as much as i got a job and got busy
please forgive me... you will always be living in my heart

may you rest in peace my buddy :8bitheart:
Darkestsoul 11 May, 2021 @ 12:32pm 
Rest in peace my friend, everyone who met you will never forget you...
傑西 21 Mar, 2021 @ 7:01am 
I dont know what to say ... I wasn't prepared to these news, u seemed fine when we last time talked .. You are the nicest person I have ever met in my lifetime, always smiling and on good mood no matter what the situation was.. I wish we could que together one last time .. I will never forget you! .. Thank you for everything what u did! Love u my friend <3 Peace <3
nuñi 18 Mar, 2021 @ 4:28am 
samy 17 Mar, 2021 @ 3:40pm 
I will miss you my friend. Wishing I could have had one more chat with you <3
傑西 22 Jul, 2020 @ 2:39pm 
Never seen more toxic player ... insta mute him ... worst phoenix player i have seen ... and really should leearn how to play pango its disgustung