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Análises recentes de SEND MY BODY TO ARBY'S

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40.8 hrs em registo (8.6 horas no momento da análise)
Exceptional gunplay, well written and likeable characters, emotional story, etc. The game does just about everything it sets out to do, exceedingly well. I would have liked to have seen the levels be a bit more open, but the game still offers more freedom than most AAA fps games. Textures are atrocious, Half-Life 2 has significantly better textures and it's a decade old. It seems like the game had the potential be gorgeous, but the textures were compressed into oblivion for what I assume can only be an attempt to make the game playable on reasonably powerful systems(it's already a resource hog, looking like this). The game also suffers performance issues on many systems; if you're running an AMD setup or have less than 4Gb of VRAM on your video card, then you may wish to steer clear. All the settings are there, but the issues seem to all be under the hood and bery few of them have been resolved.
Basically, gameplay and story hit the mark, but the game fails from a graphical and technical standpoint.

Keep in mind: It has a fairly long campaign, but that's the only mode. No tacked-on multiplayer, co-op, tower defense, rts, Hitler painting simulator modes, just a single player Nazi killin experience. The game is worth multiple playthroughs and is without a doubt a high quality experience, but don't pick it up expecting to blow 1700 hours on it.
Publicado a 2 de Janeiro de 2015.
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17.5 hrs em registo (13.7 horas no momento da análise)
Port is arguably good, tons of graphics and control options. Massive downside is performance, the game has a hard time maintaining 60 fps with even top tier hardware. On a 4690k, 8Gb of RAM and a GTX 770 4gb, I spend most of my time in the mid to low 50s, no matter how much I lower the settings. Doesn't seem so bad until you start to feel the suttering; every 20-30 seconds, the game will lose 25 frames or so and that's even with the triple buffering issue fixed. The game beneath all the issues is wonderful, but good luck getting there.
I'd say I recommend it, because I still enjoy the game, but that was after several hours of messing with it, then finally admitting defeat and lowering my standards for the sake of wenches and booty. If the things listed don't sound tolerable, then give her a wide berth.
Publicado a 21 de Dezembro de 2014.
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16.0 hrs em registo (2.2 horas no momento da análise)
The game is phenomenal, but I'd pick it up on sale due to its length.
The main mission is short, about 1 hour, there are a few "side ops" that total another hour or two. The game's freedom lends to its replayability, fans of games like Deus Ex or Dishonored will see themselves replaying to try different styles and earn a higher score. If you don't fall into that category, then expect 2 1/2 hours of solid gameplay.
Gameplay wise, it's a stealth/action game, similar to Splinter Cell, with a score system that punishes you for playing the actiony side. You suffer no in-game consequences for playing it like a shooter other than it being tough as nails to deal with the amount of enemies they send at you. I can't really speak of how it compares to previous titles in the series, because I've never spent a substantial amount of time with one. The map is very open, I'd say it comes closer to the scale of the original Deus Ex than any game since, which for some will be a recommendation in and of itself.
Controls are tight, I played on keyboard and mouse, ran into few issues with it, aside from movement while prone, which is clearly deisgned with a analog sick in mind. I'd probably recommend a gamepad, unless you're allergic to them, as I am.
Port stuff: About a million options for graphics, gameplay and controls. The game is optimized like a dream; running with a 4690k, 8Gb of RAM and a GTX 770 4Gb, I never saw the game drop below 60 on Extra High(because an Ultra setting is for squares) other than when it first loaded into the game. It's exceptional looking compared to the console version, although I would like to have seen use of PhysX or something on flags and the windbreakers guards are wearing, it looks a little funky compared to the rest of the game. No mouse control in menus for no apparent reason, probably the only real black mark through.
Overall I guess the game serves its purpose, because I am very excited for The Phantom Pain.
Publicado a 18 de Dezembro de 2014.
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24.1 hrs em registo (15.6 horas no momento da análise)
If you're a fan of the original film, just buy it. As you burst into tears when you first encounter the Xenomorph, and you will know that your purchase was worth every penny.
The game bleeds fan service from every pore, the atmosphere of the station is like no other, it's scary as all hell, the lighting is probably the best I've seen up to this point, I could go on for days.
The only issue I have had with the game is that it seems to have a bit of an identity crisis. I played several hours on medium difficulty and didn't have an issue with it until the Xeno showed up, the game got challenging and I found myself less scared of the monster and more irritated with it killing me. I think I died 3 times before dropping the difficulty becuase I wanted to still be scared. It's like the game succeeds as a difficult stealth game, but the horror aspects go right out the window as the difficulty increases.
I'd recommend this to fans of the franchise as well as people who enjoy the modern survival horror fps genre.
Publicado a 6 de Dezembro de 2014.
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0.7 hrs em registo
Grand Theft Auto 4 came out 6 years ago
I am running a 4690k, 8GB of ram and a GTX 770 4GB.
I get around 40 fps
Don't buy this if you have standards for performance
Publicado a 3 de Dezembro de 2014.
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6.7 hrs em registo (2.0 horas no momento da análise)
I enjoyed my first playthrough, but looking back, I realize that I was more interested in playing it to finish the story than anything. The gameplay is so bland and one dimensional compared to previous Bioshock titles. Two weapon system and scarcity of ammo brings a big change, no longer will you pull out the best weapon for the situation on the fly, you really just use what has ammo. Vigors just seem less integral to the gameplay compared to plasmids from previous games. In general, they removed the depth from the combat and level design. The whole thing tends to feel more like a shooter of the week title than the successor to one of the best fps games in history.
And I know, "you can't just say it's bad because it's not as good as Bioshock", but think about it like this. What if this wasn't called Bioshock? What if the original never came out and this was the first in the series? You wouldn't care about this game, you wouldn't call it special, you'd label it what it is: just another boring fps that happns to have half-way decent writing.
Publicado a 26 de Novembro de 2014.
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18.3 hrs em registo (5.6 horas no momento da análise)
Best first person melee combat ever, feels amazing. Problem is, the guns don't stack up against the katana and they kind of feel like BB guns. It takes the Serious Sam approach to the old school shooter and throws waves of enemies at you, increasing in size to ridiculous amounts by the end. There is an RPG levelling system where you can upgrade Wang's powers and weapons using money and badly hidden Ki pools.
It does what it does very well, but I personally wish they had taken a bit more inspiration from the original Shadow Warrior; this is not the Doom-esque game from the 90s.
My review comes off as a bit negative, but I really do love this game. It's hard to care about the little things when you're slashing through hundreds of demons.
Publicado a 22 de Setembro de 2014.
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273.3 hrs em registo (61.1 horas no momento da análise)
Análise do CS:GO
CS:GO is a perfect balance of strategy, cooperation/communication with your team, map knowledge and personal skill. The gunplay is extremely difficult to get used to, but the challenge it presents will be refreshing to those that have payed shooters with a mouse and keyboard for years. All modes in the game are fun, but the meat of the game is in the competitive playlist; other modes tend to serve as practice or warm-up for competitive.
At the time of this review, I have played the game for something like 55 hours and I'm still trying to get a hang of it.
If you've grown bored of the multiplayer shooter scene, I'd seriousy recommend you give this game a try.
Oh and the skin market stuff is like drugs.
Publicado a 22 de Setembro de 2014.
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26.5 hrs em registo (23.1 horas no momento da análise)
Análise de Acesso Antecipado
In its current state, Space Engineers is a fantastic sandbox/ship-building game. If you're interested in this aspect of the game, then buy it right away. On the other hand, if you're someone who is interested in this game's survival component, I'd wait.
The game features a fairly well fleshed out building system that can be used to create anything from small fighters to large battle-cruisers or even city-sized space stations. Although there is not much to do with your creations as of now, it's still immensely satisfying to just go crazy and build the starship of your dreams. The survival component is reminiscent of Minecraft, but lacks the kind of depth that you would expect from a sci-fi themed sandbox game. Playing survival, in the current build, basically amounts to building things you would in creative at a much slower pace. While being able to die allows you to do a little more than in creative mode(deathmatches, etc), it's evident that Space Engineers' survival experence is to be fleshed out further down the line.
On another note, I'd like to applaud the developers for how they're handing the game as an early access title. The game is updated weekly(every thursday, to be precise) and they frequently discuss the future of the game on their site. Plently of transparency and interaction with the comminity makes for a much better buying experience; you may be buying an unfinished product in the hopes it will someday be completed, but it makes you feel far more confident of the people at the helm. I feel this should be the model for every developer planning to release their game through Steam's early access system(that means you SuperCrit).
Publicado a 6 de Agosto de 2014. Última alteração: 6 de Agosto de 2014.
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63.5 hrs em registo (60.3 horas no momento da análise)
This really should be rebranded as Deus Ex: Game of the Decade Edition
Publicado a 2 de Abril de 2014.
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